Zynthian Faster

Delete it! :upside_down_face:
OK. the following without guarantee:
e.g. for surge:
copy your presets to:
/ home / pi / zynthian-my-data / presets / lv2 /
then make a copy of the following file to be on the safe side .
then delete this file, the next time the plugin is initiated, presets_Surge.json will be rewritten.

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You can also click the “Search for Plugins & Presets” button, on the webconf’s LV2 panel :wink:

By doing in such a way, the file is generated, but webconf & UI don’t reload the newly generated file and need to restart. I will fix it ASAP …



Deleting it worked!

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:+1: I’m looking forward to your new sounds

Not new sounds, I updated to the new image and was copying across. Here’s a linked upload typical of my average output though. Boot Zynthian from USB SSD

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