Zynthian not saving "Last State" on power off

Any way to trouble shoot the problem ? A corrupted file on the disk somewhere maybe ? bad permissions on that file ? Until an hour ago it was saving state when powered off now nothing.
any ideas anyone ?

Is this box checked? Ciao

looks similar to yours

My little knowledge stops here. :blush:… You will see that the experts of the Forum will help you very soon.

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and instead, @tunagenes appeared from the peanut gallery, saying that using webconf to look at the logs can be a way to troubleshoot, but since we have had problems with this you might try a software update, and if that doesn’t fix it, do a trouble report from webconf which will auto-magically capture a bunch of diag-debug info.

and… You are asking Z to power off and giving it time to do so, right? I’m assuming that because it used to work.

I think I have the latest software version because I reimaged the SD card within the last month. I can ssh into the box and look for logs if I know where to look.
I assume a power off is a reboot and there is a boot log however I suspect a backup of state is not being created at power off. The zynthian says “last state” when you turn it on buts it’s blank .

To get the latest software version you have to do a software update via the Z user interface or via webconf after the first boot, the image you put on an uSD card will very rarely be the “latest” - you really have to update.

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well the solution to my problem appears to be to “power off” the device from the web UI .
I suspect this performed a more “gracefull” shutdown which saved the state. Powering off with the power button on the device may be the issue. I managed to save a state with the “power off” call from the web UI which now persists when I restart the device with it’s own power switch. Is the main loop polling for state changes and saving them ?