ZynthianOS "Buster" SD Image: Next Release

Hi @zynthianers!

We are really close to have a stable Buster SD image, with all the latest functionality and no serious issues. The latest build from tonight is a strong candidate for RC-2:

Please, test it and if no serious bugs are detected, a will rename it to RC-2.

We should use this thread for discussing & notifying problems with latest images until we have an official release.

Thanks for helping with this!


OK @guys!

Mr Monterosso already found a ā€œseriousā€ issue:

ā€¦ so this image wonā€™t be the RC-2.

The problem is already fixed, so perhaps tomorrows one ā€¦ :wink:

Anyway, keep testing 2020-03-08 image until we have a better one (tomorrow?)



snapshots do not load fully, neither old nor newly createdā€¦ only engines, no settingsā€¦

Could you verify if it affects to all engines?
What engines have you been using in your snapshots?
Please, test with Dexed, Raffo, and other LV2 engines tooā€¦


Try now! It should be solved ā€¦


Is that what you meant by ā€œnot fully loadedā€? It loads the engines, but not the presets?

and most of the time when this happens to me, I saved the snapshot too early when still being on preset-preload mode.


OK! This is the latest nightly build:


Test ā€¦ and cross fingers :wink:

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@Roma, it works perfectly for me. Can somebody confirm the Romaā€™s problem?

Not workingā€¦ the previous situation was repeatedā€¦

I currently continue to use ā€œ2019-09-24-zynthianos-buster-lite-1.0.0ā€, it loading snapshots normaly, but unfortunately it doesnā€™t have the rtpmidi functionā€¦

I think problem with LinuxSampler, if more than one instance of the engine is loadedā€¦

I checked, using only FluidSynth instances . Snapshots are saved and loaded normally.

Sorry @Roma,

I canā€™t reproduce your problem. For me itā€™s working like a charm, including several Linuxsampler layers in the same snapshot.

Regarding the 2019-09-24-zynthianos-buster you are using, you can update to get the RTP-MIDI functionality, my friend.


jofemodo, I love your project, thank you!!

additional testā€¦

I added several instances of LinuxSampler, saved and successfully uploaded the snapshot.

After that, I added The Mverb plugin to one Linuxsampler channel and the snapshot could not load properly.

I deleted the MVerb line via the web interface and saved the snapshot. Snapshot loaded normallyā€¦

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Hi @Roma!

Please, could you attach the snapshot?


008.zss (20.0 KB) 006.zss (18.6 KB)

006 - without MVerb
008 - with MVerbā€¦

ps: when I add Dexed track - crashā€¦

Fantastic! I think i hunted the ā€œbugā€ ā€¦ update and try now :wink:


I now owe you another demo track :heart_eyes: :dancer: :laughing: