ZynthianOS: the upcoming Zynthian SD image

You can download the latest ZynthianOS nightly-builds from here:





We removed the ttl generation of DISTHRO which needs to be fixed, but still.

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Greaaaat!! We are sooo close now … currently I’m on holidays, but i will work on the TTL generation as soon as i come back to home.

Thanks for your great work!!

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Hi guys!

I updated my Zynthian with the last image available for download.

I noticed a small problem in the AmpVTS - CAPS plugin. When I add it to the pedalboard, the plugin is muted.

Any tips?
Regards, Rod

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Just got a Pi Zero up and running Raspbian Lite.

This tells you how to boot without anything other than a PSU !!

Basically you build an image with a wpa_supplicant.conf file in /boot
and also an empty ssh file to enable ssh

Well it saves having to buy Micro HDMI cables!

and you don’t even need a mains PSU … .

The new nightly (which is not stable at all) comes with a file zynthianos-wpa-supplicant.txt in the boot folder, so you don’t have to create it.

I suspect I’m going to have to get a screen on it to see what it’s actually up to.

More money for amazon cables . …

So how should we report issues with this? github zynthian-sys?

1 - Its causing Pianoteq with the new Steingraeber to crackle (I assume thats cpu issues) significantly ie sometimes every minute or so as I’m playing.

2 - the encoders do not work at all. Boots into zynthian fine with no error but encoders don’t work

3 - small text, reorganization is hard to evaluate without working encoders because it definitely makes the touchscreen much harder to use.

4 - X11 forwarding (required for pianoteq licensing/configuration) is broken because of the pi user acting as the ssh login point. Adding a password to root is the most direct fix. If my X11 forwarding foo was stronger maybe there is a better workaround?

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zynthian-sys is a good location to report to. Sorry for the delay. I didn’t see this here.

Jenkins url has been updated now to: https://jenkins.zynthian.org/

Has https too :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot, @guysoft!! :heart_eyes:

uhh! Since the last update something broke…
When I’m adding more than one layer I see that the midichannel I used is eliminated from the list! So I can use each midi channel for only one layer. Help please!

and I just realized, it doesnt matter anymore which midi channel I chose. If I select ch1 its playing even though my keyboard is set to ch7

sounds like you enabled SingleChannelMode

I know! But I didnt!

My friend, but this is not a bug, but a feature.
Having several layers un the same MIDI Channel is not allowed never more. You should be using the clone option …



oops, thanks! Thats good news! Great that we have this layer effect option now also!!

Hello! I would like to try the new OS but I can’t find anything there, I’m doing something wrong, I suppose… :roll_eyes: Thanks!


Hello @jofemodo,
I can confirm @sadkermit’s posted picture,
but I see this file with Win7 firefox as well as opera:

2019-02-05_.md5 from 2019-02-05 23:04 filesize 0

I guess the nightly build was not ready, at least for this night…

Greetings and God bless, Marius

Hi @zynthianers!

ZynthianOS nightly builds are failing from some days ago, and the auto-remove script has deleted the last builds. Sorry … i will check it ASAP. Give me some days for putting some order in my new house …



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