A Pure Data patch to control SooperLooper with one pedal

Can anyone tell me how to write a midi plugin that transforms the incoming midi cc data to something else? Or give a hint where to start?
I can build an arduino based midi cc patcher, but to be honest. That seems to much for the job. and requires an extra piece of hardware. So I’d rather keep it inside the zynthian.

And if I succeed will sooperlooper take it’s output as input?

Within the zynthian world and encouraging a desire to keep it simple ( Python only) the best place to look is the Zynthian ctrldev devices. and to get into those you could have a look here Which is some notes on developing within the zynthian. This is fairly recent developments and you will require to be running a reasonably uptodate branch rather than stable ( 10/04/2024).

There is a fairly decent walkthrough that has reached the concepts behind the process to get code to play nicely with zynthian and all the people that employ it.

I’d love to hear what you think of the Development Pages as they are because we recognise the possibilities we offer people who have never actively coded.

Never Once, Many.

I just found out that fcb1010 has a modchip that can do the trick. Uno 1 can work as a sustain pedal and uno 2 makes the fcb1010 programmable.

There are various mod chips. I have been trying to avoid them and make Zynthian work with the (awful) original firmware but may bite the bullet and get one but I am torn between the choices, each of which has its limitations. The most expensive UNO2 is most configurable but I don’t think I need thousands of presets. There will be a new hardware mod available soon but that will be even more expensive and I’m not convinced it offers sufficient benefit. I think the recent mods that @jofemodo did should provide some improvement with integrating with Sooperlooper. I’ve not yet had a chance to test this.

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Well, with the jofemodo mods in sooperlooper I still have to press twice to start recording/overdubbing/playing. and the long press command is useless.
So no, it’s not workable at the moment for me.

Second: I don’t get the ‘clear’ or ‘undo all’ function working for the selected track. Any idea’s on this?

Those were my mods for single non-latching pedal. @jofemodo enhanced then to offer different modes including latching or toggle pedals like the FCB1010. I can’t vouch for their effectiveness as I am yet to test these new modes. I will try to do so later this week when I am back home.

Ow wait, I didn’t know that he implemented this already. Do I need another update?

How did you get on with the development docs you asked for?

Yes, the @riban’s “single pedal control” has been merged into oram recently. If you didn’t, please update to get the latest changes.
My changes for get it working with a “latching pedal” are not finished yet. They will be merged in the next days, when ready.



Sorry - I thought this was already merged. It is going to be good… I hope. I will test here when it is available.

Hi @riban and @robert !

  • The latching pedal works with “latch” controls out-the-box. For using a “non-latching” (momentary) pedal with latch controls, i added a “tap => latch” flag in the control options menu.

  • In the other hand, the “single pedal control” is non-latching, so it works out-the-box with “non-latching” pedals, as @riban implemented. For using the “single pedal control” with a latching pedal, we need a second flag “latch => tap”, what is not implemented yet, but it’s planned for the next days.


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Completely overwhelmed. After 4 pages of documentation I started looking for the mod chip on my fcb1010. I’d rather make music than software.

Respect for people who write this stuff!

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How do we open the control options menu (v4)? I cannot find this
documented anywhere.

By the way, single-pedal mode works pretty fine so far. One thing I’d
like to be able to do however is to start overdubbing after the first
recording. For instance to record an initial phrase and then
immediately overdub in the second, third, and n+ voice (not that I
can). On the BOSS rc505 mkii this also is an option (although that has
two buttons, one for rec/overdub/play and one for stop/reset). So
instead of:

  • Press to start recording
  • Press to stop recording and start playing
  • Press to start overdubbing
  • Press to stop overdubbing and continue playing
  • Double press to pause playback
  • Press to restart playback from start
  • Double press and hold (>1.5s) on second press to reset, clear recording and pause

it would be

  • Press to start recording
  • Press to start overdubbing
  • Press to stop overdubbing and continue playing
  • Double press to pause playback
  • Press to restart playback from start
  • Double press and hold (>1.5s) on second press to reset, clear recording and

One other thing: the prev/next control seems to always think there are
6 loops, leaving one in nowhere land when going past the actual
(lower) number of loops. It would be spiffy if it knew how many loops
there were and then cycle (both ways).

I try to implement an ‘undo all’ command with a MIDI CC. It doesn’t seem to work. Even the Undo/Redo button doesn’t clear the whole sooperlooper.

My bet was to send a midi cc command value 0 to ‘undo all’ but it’s not working.

Any idea’s on this?

When I want to clear sooperlooper I just load a snapshot.

thank you. That’s it!


Sorry for the late reply; my attention had to be elsewhere for a little while. I appreciate the one pedal option in the newest version of the software! It works great! The only issue I’m having compared to my Pure Data patch is that it only seems to work when I am in the SooperLooper control screen. If I am on the mixer screen or any other screen the pedal doesn’t trigger anything in SooperLooper.

Also, how are you all switching sounds during looping? I have to do it manually on the mixer screen and have a bunch of different chains to mute and unmute depending on what sounds I want to layer, because using ZS3s always resets the looper. Is there a way to use foot pedals to switch sounds without interrupting the looper? Or to stop the looper from loading a preset when loading a ZS3?

Triple tap is generally usable but tap&hold is maybe better depending on what you want to do. I think in this case triple tap is good Hardware loopers usually use tap+hold for undo or reset but I don’t know if that would work here.

You can use MIDI learn absolute which will map a CC on a MIDI channel to a specific control, globally. No matter what is shown that Channel / CC combination always controls that parameter.