Adding encoders to a home built zynthian

Hi @hannesmenzel,

A bit off-topic respective to the fairly technical inclination taken by this thread: what specific Streinway D large-scale soundfont are you talking about? It is an open-source or commercial library? Just curious.

BTW, you are quite conversant in electronic engineering, for a self-defined total Raspberry newbie!

Best regards :slight_smile:

There are 3 pianos from user ā€œDore Markā€ on which sound quite good. Iā€™ll anyway will reduce the storage footprint a bit. They are free and available in sfz, but I do not recall the licence details. (Edit: Steinway, Fazioli, Yamaha, maybe others, but the new Bosendorfer is a demo wirh a nod to the new commercial stuff)

What I am talking about here I learned from reading this board since I got my first pi in November I think. At least I had some low level linux and scripting experience before. But any kind of electronics make me sweat, and I just soldered guitar cables before.

Yes. They operate in parallel and can be stacked as you will. The only one to be aware of is the zynaptik board this has the digital and analog connections on one of the 40 pin connectors whilst the other one is exactly the same as any other pi 40 pinconnector.

Of course, Pianobook, thanks for the hint @hannesmenzel :+1:.

Lately I am a bit perplexed by the continuous Chris Hensonā€™s paradigm reshuffle of his former brainchilds Labs and Pianobook. He is still obviously very much behind them, which is a good thing imho, but personally I donā€™t buy much into the current hyper-sampling hype, with the market flooded with too much makeshift commercial offers.

Maybe itā€™s just me, and my ageing memories of the 90ā€™s, but I miss those times when Eric Persing did sampling marvels for Roland with one-two orders of magnitude less in memory size. This being said, Pianobook is a wonderful initiative, and I appreciate the idea of part-time samplists supporting somehow their hobby financially.

Regards :slight_smile:

Hi @Aethermind , Iā€™m not sure how much Mr Henson is still involved. At least heā€™s out of Spitfire Audio and imo gave the lead of pianobook to others after the controversy where he felt the urge of sharing his thoughts about trans people with the audience (Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™ve nothing against sharing opinions publically, but Iā€™m quite annoyed how ā€œconservativesā€ are oftentimes most interested in the life reality of other people which should not bother them at all).

I got into this wonderful project (zynthian) lately because I was searching for a decent and affordable portable keyboard extender, and I think itā€™s beatiful. Besides some publically available sfz I also managed to script some libraries with other formats (kontakt, with convertwithmoss as a starting point) to sfz and try to build a collection of what you might have in other stage pianos/workstations with good quality samples. After diving into sfz scripting I realized that you can have some incredible results if you have already good sfz instruments with at least 2 velocity layers and most of the notes sampled by scripting your own velocity crossovers and velocity based filtering, fake RRs, even shared extras like key noises, release samples, pedal noises and so on. But of course I have to dive deeper into it I have to evaluate the licences.

Maybe we could open an sfz sharing thread.

Towards the main topic: I ordered a bunch of stuff yesterday and hope I can make something out of it:

  • Some installation stuff (spacers, screws, sd-adapter, diy flat cables with usb/hdmi ends, jumper cables, perma-breadboard, pin header)
  • ceramic condensers 47/10nF
  • 2 mcp23017
  • 4 encoders
  • Hifiberry Dac2 Adc Pro

Iā€™ll get some balances I/O jacks somewhere else. Letā€™s see how clumsy I am.

This is how itā€™s suppose to look like in the future, just imagine 4 moog-ish encoders on the right:


Hi @hannesmenzel :slight_smile:

Yes, I think that this was due to a certain notorious Hensonā€™s ā€œintensityā€ of character, and was probably a bit magnified and overstated by the web, but these are the inherent risks of being an exposed online figure, and one should be aware of them, learning to moderate and filter some highly contentious opinions.

This definitely sounds like a fantastic idea! :+1:


Oooh, thatā€™s a great idea.

Hereā€™s a couple I know of other than PianoBook:

(the mappings repo is for sfz definitions of sample packs available elsewhere)

I also appreciate the idea, but maybe weā€™ll do that in a seperate thread?


No, I exchanged things in my checkout card for more than two month trying to think of everything I might need for my further zynthian build. What I did not expect though was that the hifiberry board might not be suited to sit on a pi5 with the official active cooler mounted on it.

So what would you do? Hifiberry recommends not to put anything else in between (like pin header extentions). I could try to unmount the cooler, but I donā€™t know if that is a good idea (and can be done undescructive)

Iā€™ve stacked them in all kinds of order. Not had a problem as yet.

Iā€™ll get a picture of the element in the cajon. Hi fi berry pro ad dac an amp card and a power supply management board on top of that.

@hannesmenzel You chose the hard way. I tried it several times, didnā€™t make much progress, and then this finally helped:

Itā€™s worth a look. I built a Zynthian with the Mini PCB into a different case, with a different display. This PCB will solve all your wiring and connection problems, even if you are thinking of a different design.

Thank you very much! I think that this is a wonderful project, but 1) this does look like the hard way for me (build your own pcb), 2) I would have to stick to the design due to my limited understanding, but it doesnā€™t feature some specs I need (audio input).

It must be somehow possible to connect the things I have now at home to just feature the two things I need:

Iā€™ll try the header height expansion, otherwise Iā€™ll remove the fan. But the MCP23017 encoder connection still doesnā€™t want to enter my brain.

I already struggle with this, heres the mcp I bought:

  1. Is that even suitable?
  2. I donā€™t know if I even need these RST connectors on the short sides.
  3. How to use the provided pin headers? Breaking 13 on either side to stick them onto my permaproto-board?
  4. When I say ā€œconnecting to Hifiberryā€ I assume the hatā€™s dsp header just copies the RPi5 gpios.
  5. I expect the A0-7 and B0-7 to be the places to connect the encoders to (adresses 100-115 in webconf)
  6. I expect the IA; IB being Int-A Int-B in webconf. I think I have to connect them to any free GPIO on the Hifiberry and specify that in webconf
  7. I think D0-2 are unrelated
  8. VIN seems to be power supply. Can I just put them on a 3.3V+ on the Hifiberry?
  9. GND should maybe go to any GND pin on the Hifiberry. The 12 GNDs in the middle should be internally connected to that, so I might be able to use these for convenient decoupling?
  10. I have no idea about the SCL, SDA and Rst (Reset?).

You donā€™t need to build a pcb, nobody does, you can order here: zynthian-mini-V2-rev2 - Share Project - PCBWay

I have a Hifiberry DAC+ADC with audio input, attached to the Mini board. With this board you dont have to worry about the wiring of the Raspberry Pi, the MCP23017, the encoders, the buttons and the audio hat, all of these are ready.

Finally got around to photoing the back of rack6 an zynaptik board pi to pin with a pi, but no audio boardā€¦ Itā€™s All pretty flexible.

Itā€™s mostly power supply on the strip board.

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Thanks! Some questions though:

  • Its an mcp23008, I can hardly adapt that
  • Rst is connected to 5V, I thought I should stick to 3.3V?
  • Vdd, Vss, Rc I donā€™t understand at all
  • Int is not connected?

What I was thinking of:

Mcp to Pi:

  • VIN and Rst to 3.3 V
  • SDA and SCL to Pin 3/5
  • D0-2 to GND via breadboard (resulting in adress 0x20)
  • IA/IB to any free GPIO (Pin 36/37)

Mcp to encoders:

  • A0-B7 to CLK, DT, SW, configured in webconf accordingly, each debounced with cap to Gnd
  • Encoders GND ro GND, + to nowhere.

VDD is the board power supply, so the + (3.3V)
VSS is the GND so the -
RC where do you see it? I donā€™t know what it isā€¦
INT is linked to a Pin that you can select from the drop-down menu on WebConf.
MCP23017 int A-Pin To control Pins A (A0, A1, A2 etc etc) and
MCP23017 int B-Pin To control Pin B (Bo, B1, B2 etc etc)

On WebConf remember that the A0 pin of the multiplexer corresponds to the number 100 to be inserted. A1 = 101, A2, = 102 etc.

This is my configuration:

As you can see I only connected the switches to the multiplexer, you can see that on the SWITCH box there are the 6 pins of my switches (4 are for the encoderā€™s switch and 2 for other functions).

You donā€™t need mcp23017 or any other multiplexer if you just want to add encoders to your setup. There are enough available pins to connect 4 encoders and their switches directly to rpi.

Read this schematics how to do that and how to configure webconfig.

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Absolutely right.