And the winners are . .

Category X, with 42% of votes:

The seas of Mars by @Nicolaz (link to original post)
The inspiration came from one of my favourite science fiction writers, Kim Stanley Robinson", who wrote a trilogy about the colonization of Mars. The whole story is complicated but at the end of the terraforming process, Mars have oceans. “The seas of Mars” is the image i created in my mind when i read this part.

Category Z, with 31 % of votes:

Zynesthesia by @Kosro (link to original post)
A little pun, with Synesthesia being the phenomenon of associating colors or shapes with music; I’m in love with the concept :grin: I went for a relaxed downtempo vibe, inspired by meditation & lounge music as well as some chill house tracks I like.

Congratulations to the winners!

I will contact you by PM to arrange the details of your award.

Regarding the 2nd and 3rd positions on every category, remember you have a 50% of for buying a V5 kit when available (i hope very soon!!). I will send you a promo code as soon the V5 is available.

As you can see, the winner in the Z category has a single vote ofdifference!! And i understand the reason. First and second finalists, both are excellent pieces and it’s difficult to choose one of them.

In the X category, the difference is slighty bigger, but first and second positions are quite close one to another too.

I would have liked there to have been more participation in the vote, but things are like this and probably i could had do it better too, so i will learn some lessons and for doing better the next time.

Anyway, I’m happy enough. We have a bunch of snapshots ranging among very different styles, tempos and feelings. Indeed, we got more than snapshots. We have some crazy histories and some video-clip too, what is really cool!

Thanks a lot to all who sent your pieces!! Zynthian loves you and me too! :heart:


Congratulation to the winners - a very well deserved prize to both of you. All entries were really good and I was surprised to see some fail to reach the shortlist which is an indication of the quality of each entry and the effort exerted by you all. I found it very hard to choose between the finalists (well done to the judges for shortlisting). Each and every piece had its merits. The voting results do not indicate anything about the quality of each piece, simply that more people preferred one piece over another - not that they disliked any - indeed, I really liked them all and having just one vote was a challenge.

Love to you all, you wonderful, talented people. :heart:


Felicitations to @Nicolaz and @Kosro :slight_smile:.

It has been interesting and fun to take part in this unusual musical contest, with entries revealing a remarkably varied landscape of different cultural, aesthetic and technical backgrounds.

I concur that a larger participation in the vote would have been preferable, and I am sure that there will be space for achieving this in a (possible?) ensuing edition of the competition.

All the best to @jofemodo, @riban and each and one of you all,

Long live the Zynthian :star:!


Thanks @jofemodo, thanks @riban. And a huge thanks to the whole Zynthian team and to the guys who liked my songs! My compliments to the contestants, of course. I really did like everything.
If this is not authomatic, i’d like leave the promo code for the third place in the Z category to someone else.
I suppose that the V5 is for Zynthian a big step towards a widest appreciation and i’d like to give my contribution to the cause with new musical ideas and playing modes i have in my mind. I just hope that Raspberry 4 Will be soon available at a cheaper price.
In the meanwhile, let’s keep the music playing! :grin::guitar::guitar::guitar::musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :drum: :musical_score::notes:


First of all, congratulations to @Nicolaz, the finalists and all the other contestants for their fantastic entries! I really see how voting was a challenge! :grin: I’m exited that we all managed to create such a variety of music with our Zynthians :smiley:

I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to @jofemodo, @riban, @wyleu, @Baggypants and the entire Zynthian community for organizing and contributing to this fantastic contest. It was a joy to participate and I’m hyped to see what the future holds :grin:


My suggestion would be to produce a simple video (or two separated) with the winner tracks and provide it on the Zynthian Youtube channel. This would be a great presentation for interested users.
I tried to share the tracks on but find no way to do it.


Congratulations to the winners! :clap: :clap:


Well, i must admit that i got emotional…
Thanks a lot from all my hearth!


Lovely :heart:


Beautiful red dyed aluminium :ok_hand:


Just like father and son!