
Did you know about the “arpeggiator features” that our venerable Vex engine hides in its native GUI?

note the 3 “black” circles on each part header …

Yessss! There is a “hidden” pattern-based arpeggiator for each part, and you can adjust the velocity and more!! It’s also synced to host tempo …

I’ve been playing a few minutes only, but it’s super fun!!

The pity is that these amazing arpeggiator features have not a proper LV2 interface defined so it’s not accessible from the zynthian UI. You need the native GUI for this. The good is that you can save it as LV2 presets and later recall from the zynthian UI.

Note that after saving presets from the native GUI, you must force the zynthian UI to regenerate the presets DB for this synth engine: urn:juce:Vex

and reload the snapshot / synth chain to refresh.
