Bizarre issues with zynthian V5.1: Hardware or software related?

My V5.1 came today! It got here very quickly, I ordered it 4 days ago and it already made it to the east coast of the USA!

It looks awesome on my studiologic 73, almost like it was made for it:

I am having an issue though, everything works ok until I install pianoteq, then I get this and have to start over:

I’ve tried three different SD cards, with the same result. I’ve also tried Pianoteq versions 8.22 and 8.31. They work fine on my raspberry pi 4 zynthian install.

1 Like

Some more, hopefully useful information, I just did a fresh install - here is my config:

Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
Audio: V5 ADAC
Display: MIPI DSI 800x480 (inverted)
Wiring: V5
I2C: MCP23017@0x20, MCP23017@0x21
Profile: v5
Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Build Date: 2024-09-11
Memory: 6% (525M/8052M)
SD Card: 49% (14G/29G)
Temperature: 38.9ºC
Overclock: Medium
Tuning: 440 Hz
Master Channel: Off
Preload Presets: On
ZS3 (SubSnapShots): On
Power Save: 10 minutes
Audio Levels on Snapshots: On
zyncoder: oram (7737730)
zynthian-ui: oram (54be2b3)
zynthian-sys: oram (9eba008)
zynthian-data: oram (6fa0db4)
zynthian-webconf: oram (346b77e)
Snapshots: 14
User Presets: 1
User Soundfonts: 0
Audio Captures: 0
MIDI Captures: 3
Hostname: zynthian
Wifi: shelburnehouse
VNC: Off
MIDI Services:

I also tried the pianoteq demo this time, and it xruns almost immediately:

Sep 13 23:58:26 zynthian startx[1347]: Building XImage...done
Sep 13 23:58:26 zynthian startx[1348]: ZynCore: Setting-up 20+4 x Zynswitches...
Sep 13 23:58:26 zynthian startx[1348]: ZynCore: Setting-up Zynpots => 4 x PEC11 ...
Sep 13 23:58:26 zynthian startx[1348]: ZynCore->gpiod_start_callbacks: Callback thread created successfully
Sep 13 23:58:27 zynthian startx[1348]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Sep 13 23:58:27 zynthian startx[1348]: Started libzynmixer
Sep 13 23:58:27 zynthian startx[1348]: Started libzynseq
Sep 13 23:58:27 zynthian startx[1348]: Started libzynsmf
Sep 14 00:01:04 zynthian startx[1348]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 1, delay: 102443.0us
Sep 14 00:01:04 zynthian startx[1348]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 2, delay: 102135.0us

The same thing happened a few times with the licensed version before I got the audio/midi error. I havent changed any of the pianoteq settings, its running limited samples and 32 voices.

That config was before updates…note I have been running updates after install. Just ran them:

zyncoder: oram (71de6d2)
zynthian-ui: oram (55b435f)
zynthian-sys: oram (996e5eb)
zynthian-data: oram (6fa0db4)
zynthian-webconf: oram (640087f)

And had the same result as before with the pianoteq trial.

Hi @nagrom !

Nice to see your V5.1 working and sad to see Oram’s face in your display.
I must deduce you have not issues while assembling the unit, right? Did you find the instructions clear enough?

I just tried to reproduce your Pianoteq issue with latest Oram and everything worked smoothly. I installed “Pianoteq Stage 8.31”, entered the license and everything is working like a charm! Indeed i increased the number of voices and set it to run at full sample rate.

Please, could you explain in detail your procedure? Be as verbose as you can. If we can’t reproduce your issue, we can’t fix it.

  • Did you try burning the image from last night? (2024-09-22)
  • Did you reboot your zynthian after installing the Pianoteq licensed binary?


@jofemode here is what I’m doing:

Create SD with Balena using
The SD is a 32gb sandisk extreme

Zynthian sets itself up
– probably not related, but the first time I tried to run it I got the raspberry pi 5, 3 long, 1 short blink issue (EEPROM) I made a recovery image, botted from that, and then was able to proceed with booting from the zynthian image. It only happened the first time, and hasn’t happened the 6 or so times I’ve started from a fresh zynthian image since.

After zynthian boots I set up wifi, and then run updates.

I go to webconf > software > Pianoteq
and upload
it installs correctly:

**The new file was installed successfully.**

If you installed PTQ files, you should restart the Pianoteq engine by removing any Pianoteq layer before having access to the new installed instruments and presets.

If you installed a new binary, you should [reboot your zynthian]( to complete the configuration. If you are upgrading from trial to licensed version, you must activate the software with your licence key.

I reboot.

I go back to webconf and enter my license key. and click Activate. The page reloads successfully, I leave all the settings to the defaults: Limited rate, 32 voices, CPU overload enabled.

I go to the mixer and add a Pianoteq instance, and select midi channel 1, it starts the adding chain sequence.

This time I got ERROR, CUIA switch 3,5 (I think, it flashed off and back to the midi channel selection page)
I grabbed the UI logs at this point:

Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: engine = self.start_engine(processor, eng_code, eng_config)
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: File "/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngine/", line 973, in start_engine
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: zyngine = zynthian_engine_class(self.state_manager)
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: File "/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngine/", line 495, in __init__
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: self.start()
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: File "/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngine/", line 514, in start
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: raise Exception("No response from Pianoteq RPC server")
Sep 24 00:46:50 zynthian startx[1132]: Exception: No response from Pianoteq RPC server
Sep 24 00:47:38 zynthian startx[1132]: ERROR:zynthian_autoconnect.auto_connect_thread: ZynAutoConnect ERROR: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'options'

I choose MIDI channel one and hit the “Yes” button, it goes to a screen that says
“Adding Chain” and this time just hangs there:

Log has this line too now:

Sep 24 00:49:48 zynthian startx[1132]: WARNING:zynthian_gui.busy_thread_task: Clients have been busy for longer than 30s: {'add_chain'}

Zynthian is frozen like this, webconf still works so I try to reboot from there.

After about a minute, it gets stuck on this screen:

I turn off with the power switch, and turn it back on.

It boots to mixer, with no instruments - there weren’t any before, but it didn’t add pianoteq.

I look in webconf again, pianoteq screen looks as it should, says 8.3.1 and displays my license.

Here is the UILog at this point:

Sep 24 00:59:59 zynthian startx[1135]: Merging...didn't find evidence of prior run.
Sep 24 00:59:59 zynthian startx[1135]: done
Sep 24 00:59:59 zynthian startx[1135]: Building XImage...done
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: ZynCore: Setting-up 20+4 x Zynswitches...
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: ZynCore: Setting-up Zynpots => 4 x PEC11 ...
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: ZynCore->gpiod_start_callbacks: Callback thread created successfully
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: Started libzynmixer
Sep 24 01:00:00 zynthian startx[1136]: Started libzynseq
Sep 24 01:00:01 zynthian startx[1136]: Started libzynsmf

I add pianoteq again.
This time is works as expected, adds the chain successfully.

I play 5 notes, and hold down the pedal, then it freezes. UILog says:

Sep 24 01:05:11 zynthian startx[1136]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 1, delay: 102412.0us
Sep 24 01:05:11 zynthian startx[1136]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 2, delay: 102143.0us

Pianoteq is frozen, but I can get to admin, I reboot from there.

I see this screen for a few seconds during boot:

Then it loads to mixer and the Pianoteq chain is still there. I play 6 notes this time and it freezes. This time it’s totally frozen, I can’t get to admin and webconf doesnt work either.

It boots ok, UILog says:

Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: Merging...didn't find evidence of prior run.
Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: done
Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: Building XImage...done
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore: Setting-up 20+4 x Zynswitches...
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore: Setting-up Zynpots => 4 x PEC11 ...
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore->gpiod_start_callbacks: Callback thread created successfully
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynmixer
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynseq
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynsmf

This time though, Pianoteq doesn’t work at all. The zynthian seems to be operating ok otherwise, I add another chain, MDA epiano, but it sits on the “Adding chain” screen. It finally finishes (I thought it was dead)

UILog says:

Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: Merging...didn't find evidence of prior run.
Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: done
Sep 24 01:07:06 zynthian startx[1125]: Building XImage...done
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore: Setting-up 20+4 x Zynswitches...
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore: Setting-up Zynpots => 4 x PEC11 ...
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: ZynCore->gpiod_start_callbacks: Callback thread created successfully
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynmixer
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynseq
Sep 24 01:07:07 zynthian startx[1126]: Started libzynsmf
Sep 24 01:15:40 zynthian startx[1126]: WARNING:zynthian_gui.busy_thread_task: Clients have been busy for longer than 30s: {'add_processor'}
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: ERROR:zynthian_engine.start: Can't start engine Jalv/MDA ePiano => End Of File (EOF). Exception style platform.
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7fff182770d0>
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: command: /usr/local/bin/jalv
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: args: ['/usr/local/bin/jalv', '-n', 'MDA_ePiano-01', '']
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: buffer (last 100 chars): b''
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: before (last 100 chars): b'kShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock\r\nerror: Failed to connect to audio system\r\n'
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: match: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: match_index: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: exitstatus: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: flag_eof: True
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: pid: 2614
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: child_fd: 61
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: closed: False
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: timeout: 30
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile_read: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile_send: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: maxread: 2000
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: ignorecase: False
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: searchwindowsize: None
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: delaybeforesend: 0
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: delayafterclose: 0.1
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: delayafterterminate: 0.1
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: searcher: searcher_re:
Sep 24 01:15:50 zynthian startx[1126]: 0: re.compile(b'\n> ')
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: ERROR:zynthian_engine.proc_cmd: Can't exec engine command: preset file:///zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/mod-mda-EPiano.lv2/default-preset => End Of File (EOF). Exception style platform.
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7fff182770d0>
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: command: /usr/local/bin/jalv
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: args: ['/usr/local/bin/jalv', '-n', 'MDA_ePiano-01', '']
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: buffer (last 100 chars): b''
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: before (last 100 chars): ''
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: match: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: match_index: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: exitstatus: 1
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: flag_eof: True
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: pid: 2614
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: child_fd: 61
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: closed: False
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: timeout: 30
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile_read: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: logfile_send: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: maxread: 2000
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: ignorecase: False
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: searchwindowsize: None
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: delaybeforesend: 0
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: delayafterclose: 0.1
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: delayafterterminate: 0.1
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: searcher: searcher_re:
Sep 24 01:16:52 zynthian startx[1126]: 0: re.compile(b'\n> ')

Both chains are there, but neither of them work, the midi indicator doesn’t show any activity when I play the keyboard. I restart the keyboard and try a different USB jack but it still doesn’t work.
I try to get the midi logs from webconf, but the studiologic isn’t showing in the dropdown list. It does show up on the zynthian though under admin > midi devices.

I reboot from the zynthian.
It doesn’t reboot, the button lights go out, and the screen is blank but backlight is still on. I’ve noticed also that sometimes when I reboot the buttons light up before the screen does anything.

Webconf still works though so I reboot from there. It takes a really long time, and hangs on this screen again for a while:

(I used the same pic as before, its possible the text was different, sorry about that).

After 3 or 4 minutes it boots.
ePiano works for a bit, but its strange, the buttons aren’t lit up, and there are no level meters. It freezes up after a minute or so.

Webconf is also not working, so I restart with the power switch.

It boots normally, and I play the ePiano for a while because it sounds so awesome. Everything seems to work normally.
I switch to the pianoteq chain. Same as before, 6 notes or so and it freezes.


Sep 24 01:28:43 zynthian startx[1130]: Merging...didn't find evidence of prior run.
Sep 24 01:28:43 zynthian startx[1130]: done
Sep 24 01:28:43 zynthian startx[1130]: Building XImage...done
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: ZynCore: Setting-up 20+4 x Zynswitches...
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: ZynCore: Setting-up Zynpots => 4 x PEC11 ...
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: ZynCore->gpiod_start_callbacks: Callback thread created successfully
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: Started libzynmixer
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: Started libzynseq
Sep 24 01:28:44 zynthian startx[1131]: Started libzynsmf
Sep 24 01:36:40 zynthian startx[1131]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 1, delay: 102412.0us

This time I remove the pianoteq chain and readd it. I choose the Pianet T instead of the Steinway B. It lets me play it for longer than the Steinway, but then locks up too.
UILog has this line:

Sep 24 01:39:44 zynthian startx[1131]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! =>count: 2, delay: 102121.0us

Hopefully this is helpful, at least I didn’t get the IP error screen this time. Let me know if there’s more I can provide!

Hi! I too experienced this issue very passingly, at a given stage during the recent spate of pre-release Oram updates.

Now it is gone, and PT works nicely at full sample rate and polyphony on my Pi5 Oram (latest updates), especially after medium overclock and a reasonable 256 samples buffer have been set (if no lightning-fast piano performance is required, PT tends otherwise to hoard for itself a large portion of the CPU resources at 128 samples, which is limiting if one wants to build a larger multitimbral snapshot).

Hi @nagrom !

What SD-image are you using?
Could you try the last stable SD-image that i just released?

I tested with it in 2 different V5.1 units just now and i hadn’t issues at all.


Hi @jofemodo!

I was using 2024-09-14-zynthianos-bookworm-aarch64-oram-2409.img and then running updates.

I just installed the one you recommended
and I’m having the same issues.

I downloaded that one, extracted the .img using 7zip and then created the SD with balena etcher.

Just to confirm, the issues are just with Pianoteq licensed version or you have similar issues with other engines? Could you test without upgrading Pianoteq to see if the issues are related?


Hi @nagrom !

  • Are you using a brand-new RPi5 that you ordered with the V5.1 kit or you are using your own RPi5? If it’s not brand-new, could you try

  • Please, could you recheck the flat cable connections? Specially the display and control board ones. The message in the picture above invite to think that something is wrong in the low level. It could be a hardware issue.


It is a new pi5 I ordered from Amazon, I will check the connections and report back!

I have two 32gb SD cards to play with, I’m also going to try one in my pic zynthian setup to rule out the sd cards being an issue.

@Aethermind I also tried your suggestion of setting cache to 256, I switched to custom wiring and tried it but the behavior is the same

What SD-cards are you using? Brand and model, please
BTW, are you using the official power supply from zynthian shop?


Latest oram-stable SD-image MUST work out-of-the-box with your V5.1. If it doesn’t, then probably it’s a hardware-related issue. Bad wiring/connection, bad power supply, bad SD-card, or some faulty part.

Please, to avoid further confusion, don’t change anything in the software configuration.

Please, burn latest stable in a good SD-card (minimum 32GB) and test without modifying nor installing anything else. Report any issue you find. If everything works as expected, then try installing Pianoteq licensed version and test again.


Brand new pi5 from amazon. As I said above, it did do the 3 long/1 short blink thing at first boot. I made an image with the raspberry pi imaging software of the bootloader for pi and that fixed it. It has seemed fine since then.

Ok, I took it apart and re-seated the cables - they looked fine though. Here are a couple of pics I took of the control cables:

Sandisk extreme 32 GB
I just tested both with latest stable in my homegrown zynthian (pi4, official pi touchscreen, and zoom usb soundcard) and both worked fine, pianoteq works fine.

I re-imaged one of them with stable to use in the 5.1 kit


So I did all these things, and started fresh. Everything seems to work fine at first. I rebooted several times, connected to wifi, added MDA epiano and played it for a good ten minutes. I added a noisemaker chain and played with that for a while. Saved snapshots, etc. No errors, everything works great.

Then I added a chain of pianoteq demo (not even my licensed copy in case there is something weird with my file). and I got the error 139 message from frowning Ms. Oram. I tried to add it again and the system froze.

So, everything is fine until I try pianoteq.

Can I send you any logs or anything that would be useful? My linux is rusty but I can stumble around with the best of them.

Just got my unit assembled and have been running into an error message that I cannot get past. Initially, I needed to update the EEPROM like others and that did get me to the Zynthian boot process finally but even after reflashing the SD card multiple times and trying multiple SD cards I am stuck at the Zynthian ERROR screen. At the top it show my IP address and says Audio/Midi.

Any suggestions of what to do? I can access the web configuration but the default raspberry password says it is incorrect and I cannot actually get into the configuration. EDIT: Scratch this, I found the more recent password and can get in to the settings now.

Double Edit… I needed to select the kit in the web settings. Ignore me!

1 Like

@allordacia , you shouldn’t need to select anything in webconf. The stable SD-image absolutely MUST work out-of-the-box and everything should be configured OK after the first boot.

Please, could you (both, @nagrom & @allordacia ) send me the content of this file?



Hi jofemodo! Here is my first_boot.log

Running autoconfig...
Detected I2C Chips: ['MCP23017@0x20', 'MCP23017@0x21', 'PCM1863@0x4A', 'PCM5242@0x4D', 'RV3028@0x52', 'TPA6130@0x60']
Checking Boards: ['V5_MAIN', 'V5_CONTROL']
OK: All hardware has been detected!
Detected V5 kit!
Configuring Zynthian for V5 ...


Running autoconfig...
Detected I2C Chips: ['MCP23017@0x20', 'MCP23017@0x21', 'PCM1863@0x4A', 'PCM5242@0x4D', 'RV3028@0x52', 'TPA6130@0x60']
Checking Boards: ['V5_MAIN', 'V5_CONTROL']
OK: All hardware has been detected!
Detected V5 kit!
Zynthian already configured for V5.

Fixing ALSA mixer settings...

Regenerating keys...
Removing current webconf cookie secret...
A new webconf cookie secret will be generated on next request.
Removing current system SSH keys...
Generating new system SSH keys...
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:jYhzy8hPjSnFvS2ISaOPlE086cE0EVlR5Xx68VjKteg root@zynthian
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
|    o+oo...      |
|    ..   o       |
|    o     o o o  |
|   + = o o + O . |
|    % = S o * o  |
|   O % * o o     |
|  + O B + . E    |
| . o +   .       |
|  . . .          |
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:dbzfhaTw9ZrNj5Yq3WXW8IthHPrd3btSOvZp/BrWwXk root@zynthian
The key's randomart image is:
+---[DSA 1024]----+
|                 |
|           .     |
|          o o o  |
|         . + *oo.|
|        S   * o*E|
|           . = OX|
|           .o.&=X|
|          . .O+B*|
|           .ooB**|
Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:7rL0zSTgX7PjMAiXmblejy1GKkCT4VbEybfqINv4QA8 root@zynthian
The key's randomart image is:
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
|   +..           |
|  . = .          |
| . + . .         |
|  *   .=         |
| E ...B S        |
|o = .+ =.        |
|.= =  =o* +      |
|o.. ooo=o%.o     |
| ..  .o+=oB.     |
Restarting SSH server ...
Removing current SSL certificate...
Generating new SSL certificate for 100 years...
Generating splash images for display resolution 800 x 480...
Resizing partition...


It looks perfectly OK.
It could be a faulty main board or RBPi. Difficult to say. Could you test with a different RBPi5?

Yeah, I’ll order one to try out, if it’s not that it’s an easy return to Amazon.

Maybe you should move my posts to a different thread - I feel bad that your big announcement thread has turned into my troubles report, it wasn’t my intention!

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