Building my first one and some questions

my name is Jörg and i live in the north of Germany. This is an nice project and thanks to all who are supporting this.

I have most of the parts from older projects in my shop and i would build my Synthian like the version 5.

For my Synt. i would use a 7" original Rasperry display with the encoders on the right. The soundcard is a hifiberry dac+ adc pro. I plan to build the Keyboard without the LED’s and the encoders like the wiring diagramm from the version 5. Keyboard and Encoders are connected via I2C to the Rasperry like the V5. The hardware from the original V5 ist different to my planed version.
My question : Is my hardware compatible and configurable like the V5. (I2C from keyboard, encoders soundcard and display)? I would connect a guitar to the Synthian, which ist the best way to do this with the Hifiberry soundcart?

Greetings Jörg


here are some discussion threads on the topic “guitar and zynthian”:

I personally use a solution with a USB sound card that has a Hi Gain input (behringer umc 404hd).

In the case of a sound card with a line input, I would place a DI box between the guitar and the sound card (a path not yet tried by me), more is here:

Hi @Racejoerg a warm welcome in the beautiful Zynthian world,

Yes, totally. You will need 2 MCP23017 GPIO expanders and a couple of de-bouncing capacitors.
In the webconf, chose custom kit and the configure each of your piece of hardware (display, DAC, wiring).

More passive components are needed if you plan to use MIDI through standard DIN-5 connectors.

Thanks for the fast response. Perfect that my hardware ist compatible, i need only midi in and this are only a vew parts. I plan to use an old noisgate pedal as an buffer in device. When my Synt. and setup ist ready, i post some pictures.


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