Always do a Visual check first
this can prevent much misery.
The test programs are meant to run on a standard Raspbian OS
as pi, in a therminal ( window )
they are written in python2 (zynthian uses python3).
The first thing is tested is the MCP23008 on the 2 in 1 PCB:
If the start is error free you get a line with 00000000 .
If you connect a input with a little wire to GND, the corresponding input shows 1.
Now is the time to test all inputs (hw_version=“PROTOTYPE-4”)
You better check out first the document on encoders
Because the contacts of an encoder only close some ms
it is better to test with push buttons that replace the encoder.
If the start is error free you get:
Enc1:abs Enc2:abs Enc3:abs Enc4:abs
… 000 … 000 … 000 … 000
those are the 4 encoders, channel a and b and their push button s
for info about MIDI:
The test is done at 38400 baud not on 31250 baud as in zynthian
31250 baud is not a selectable value on Debian-OS
the settings are complex to stand 31250 baud
the test can also be done at 38400 baud so we use for the convenience 38400 baud.
You can’t use a MIDI device as a test transmitter,you get only strange characters !
First we have to prepare our RPi to use the serial port
howto :
To test if the RPi is ready
connect Tx with Rx headerpins 8-10.
Open 2 terminals:
Run in the first.
Run in the second.
that gives the following:
I use a simple test tool as transmitter.