How much do you adjust parameters in UI?

This was, more or less, the exploration I delved into a while ago.Custom UI ambitions, or maybe some day the controller grid page

After doing a very basic poc on the default hardware you can comfortably fit 12 parameters per page with some margin on the top and bottom for extra information/bars.

After thinking on this for a while my conclusions were that a system that allows for an override of the default order and grouping of the parameters might help with the current layout (4 parameters per screen, controlled with each knob) being more useful for live performance while having the option to jump to the bigger view (say 4x3 grid of parameters per screen with midi control) should be a really good compromise.

One option would be user-set labels for the parameters so that once you can see the parameter in the screen you can see also the label you set for it which correlates with your external controller.

The way that I thought this “distance” could be shortened is to have the external controller be “hard-linked” to the current screen of controls (redacted, for details on this refer to the previously mentioned topic). This would make it so that you do not have every parameter available at all times but reduces distance.