Interesting devices - new Synthesizers - Synths - Accessories - etc

A Handy thread to throw interesting bits of tech on…

I bet it gets abused and re-purposed within five posts or doesn’t even get to that number…

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This is way cool. I used to do this sort of thing in Basic…

Here’s an interesting new synth idea called “ALT” with an old “pin matrix” (like the EMS Putney VCS3) twist from French manufacturer Cyma Forma:

News story from Music Radar:


I don’t know if this post will qualify, it is admittedly a stretch:

On the BeagleV-Fire board, which could be an “interesting device” in its own right, but since it is RISC-V based can’t run Zynthian, yet, there is a connector labeled syzygy on the back of the PCB. Looking for what that is led me to the web site - so basically it seems to be an open standard, maintained by a company (or person?) named Opal Kelly, mainly oriented towards connecting relatively high bandwidth devices to an FPGA, which does make sense because the PolarFire cpu chip on the BeagleV-Fire board does provide an FPGA as a distinguishing feature in addition to four RISC-V cores (5 if you count a “monitor” core).

What did you bet?


Here’s an interesting “Breadboard Educational Synth” from Erica Synths called DIY Labor:

and the YouTube video:

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