MicroDexed - DX7 to go

DAC, headphones and hdmi looking at the README.

Floyd Steinberg just posted a nice Minidexed how to video. MINIDEXED - honey, I shrunk my DX7 collection - YouTube


Yes Iā€™m getting interested in in ear monitoring. Do you reckon wifi is light enough to handle, this with ā€˜acceptableā€™ ( Thereā€™'s a weasel word) delays?

Iā€™ve looked at some commercial stuff and it is beginning to disappear into a flurry of licence and such like lockins.

I was thinking of something different. The bluetooth headphones runs a processor similar to the teensy 3.6 as far as I can tell. Therefore, run MicroDexed directly in the earpieces. They donā€™t support wifi.

The in ear Dx7!

Everybody gets their own in a silent discoā€¦

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I had a go on my old model 1 B and it wasnā€™t happy, fell over after playing a few chords. If you have a model 1 B+ it may be different as those have I2S available? I tried Minisynth Pi on exactly the same setup and it was rock solid.

edit: my pi3 is doing the same. so maybe itā€™s just me :smiley:

In-ear DX seems like the ultimate statement in self indulgent musicanship and could be an April Fools joke! Only the keyboardist can hear themselves!!! :smile:

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Moiā€¦? Cest vrai!

Frankly the arrangers choice of string patch is completely at odds with what the composer intended so Iā€™m going to substitute a rack of tubas just for my personal in ear mixā€¦

When do we get the in ear TX816ā€¦?

Hey Zynthian Friends,

looks like i completly missed out this thread so far, what a shame :_(

Just wanted you fellows to know that developent in the teensy world is still in progress.
First version of a PCB and a 3d print case is currently in testing/development.

Videos about the progress in my Playlist:


Hi @nxl . It looks very promising :star_struck:

Please, share your progress.

I have a new ā€œmake a pattern from scratchā€ demo.


I just had a look at this project @nxl ā€¦ Looks greatā€¦ There appears to be CV inputs as wellā€¦ Can you tell me more about how the cvā€™s work, please?

Hi MrBroccoli,
currently we do not have hardware cv in/outs. But there is USB MIDI and classic MIDI available that you could use with an external MIDi to cv converter.
Or are you meaning something different maybe ?

Sorry. I looked again and canā€™t even see what made me ask. Maybe too early on a Sunday for my addled brain.

no worries. Let me know if other questions come up :_)

Now come on Mr Broccoli back in you bedā€¦

seems we have solved all issues with the external flash chip.
progress now continues much faster :_)

Multi-Sample Editor/Playback

Hi @nxl , glad to know your project is still on the move. :+1:

As I understand, you are using Teensy4.1 but itā€™s already out of stock in the PJRC store. While Teensy4.0 are available.
Do you think this could be a big issue ?b

Teensy 4.0 has less pins and less Progmem. The pins will not be enough for the current components. Other than that it could be used, in theory. I hope these market shortcomings will not stay forever.
From what i have heard, the Raspberry Pi Prices are also 3x or 4x of that they were in the past.

Ok, thank you.

Yeah, letā€™s hope things will get better.
Because, I really want to try your musical box. :wink: