MicroDexed - DX7 to go

Pi 4’s are expensive, but I think pi zero 2’s are still selling at a decent price and these can keep up with earlier multicore pi’s for a lot of things.

PJRC is not the only source you could get a T4.1 - there could be other electronics seller that might stil have some stock left. Otherwise lets hope for the best.

I found Teensy 4.1 - ProtoSupplies has about everything listed as available but i have no experience buying there.

Floyd Steinberg made nice video of the current state from @nxl version of MicroDexed(-touch).


Thank you @C0d3man for the job you made on MicroDexed and for the YT link.
The video is really well made and makes the project look even more exciting.

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Thanks @le51! But a big part of the current version ist done by @nxl and David! I hope I can continue working on MicroDexed soon!


latest update:


Hello, how can I remove the splash screen?

Uploading: k4myk5ZtrOg.jpg…


Wow ! Amazing.
Another great diy synth made by @rozhok

How is your feeling about this custom micro Dexed ?

Uploading: WhatsApp Image 2022-09-01 at 20.39.52.jpeg…

Can I use one of these screens with microdexed? I think I have a pcm dac shim somewhere and an old pi. Can I play or?

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Hm, maybes yes. The display must be supported by LiquidCrystal_I2C. The DAC can be used but some features will be disabled (e.g. EQ). You have to uncomment #define I2S_AUDIO_ONLY (and comment #define TEENSY_AUDIO_BOARD) in config.h. But I havn’t tested this code last time some years ago…

Regards, Holger

Hi Rozhok, the splash screen is gone since a few weeks, just download lastest code.

Could work with the older text-driven version of [C0d3man] but you will be missing a lot of new stuff that uses the TFT+touch (ah and both is based on teensy… there is a group working on the Pi, https://github.com/probonopd/MiniDexed but with different goals in mind)

current microdexed looks more like this:

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Love where this project is going. I see the Minidexed-Touch use of an open teensy generic hardware platform as a what the 1010 Music Nanobox could have been. Why have two bits of hardware when it is only the software that is changing.

@nxl Curious as to why the design choice was made for no audio input at this stage? Also, I guess no more buttons as the touch screen is going to be the main way to navigate.

Audio Input could make sense for using it as a effect-processor only - however i think there are better projects to fit that need. For sampling-input and processing the problem is not having sufficient free RAM and working with SD Card streaming or using SPI Flash as direct storage has it’s own issues. For now samples can be loaded from SD Card and copied during runtime to an external flash module and be played from there, multitimbral.

ah and i would love to include maybe 3-4 physical backlighted buttons, maybe over I2C, but haven’t found anything small enough, practical and also available to incorporate.