"Music is the best"

It is at these junctures that I like to ask…

What would Max Rockatansky do ?

Another "homme orchestre: Rémy Bricka (<= EN Wikipedia)

He’s a kind of hero for me: first, I saw him a couple of times when I was a kid. And I was impressed.
Then he crossed the Atlantic océan by ski. Yes. He wrote a book on this: L’Homme qui marche sur l’eau (The Man who Walks on Water)
And now he’s even in “Emily in Paris”
(in french):

They are a bunch of vidéo on YT, but I can’t find anymore the one where we can see his Arduino’s stuff for piloting his fireworks.

Nice. Broccoli approves.

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The last weeks I discovered Greg Koch. Articles about him say he might be one of the best guitar players alive. Fortunately I can reach a live gig of the Koch-Marshall Trio tomorrow evening. Guitar, Hammond and Drums. Can’t wait. In Youtube I found this session:

Sunday morning coming down … wasn’t really a fan but I appreciated him via the cover by Tex, Don & Charlie.

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Winter is coming ? “Turn the heater on”

Not directly a “music is best” thing, but where else would you post this?


Chowning seems to do a lot of interesting long form interview. Just Google.

Not often I play a track again straight after a listen … Confounds the Science :>



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Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance…

The six p"s…

Einsturzende Neubauten made a lot of industrial music. One can find some of their albums hard to listen. But with “Silence is sexy”, they produced a more accessible album.

I love that one because of the basic and hypnotic bass riff.