"Music is the best"


The great musical collider strikes again!!!

The brass is something else!

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:rofl: :rofl: Surreal, exhilarating.

Damas y caballeros, aquí les presentamos los Planta de Energia!



Perigeo, La Valle dei Templi (the valley of the temple)

RIP John Mayall. The teacher that faciliated so many of our great British blues players and bands.


Saturday I saw a band called “Kriegelstein”. It was a very good set from a power trio playing a noisy rock.

While searching for them on the web, I found that Jean Georges Kriegelstein, who was born in Riquewihr in Alsace around 1790, migrate to Paris and became a piano manufacturer:

AT least here in France, I can find a couple of them


Ok, it looks like these Kriegelstein pianos aren’t Steinways

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The Strawbs being as cheerful and heavy as normal…

John Hawkens Mooging out…

The first CD I bought: Tuxedomoon, Pinheads on the move (a compilation made in 1987 or so, of rarities and singles)

Always a nice travel in the “musique nouvelle” from the 80’s

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“Holy wars” was Tuxedomoon record that my good friend bought it when visiting London in 1985 that I listened a lot then and even sometimes put on my turntable these days.


First album I know I bought when it was released in 1994 and the 30th anniversary edition in 2024 :>

Another live version from a 2011 concert. Only Australian’s would do new age electronica in a flanno.

BBC Proms tonight. American jazz by a full orchestra.

[Edit] It wasn’t great. The first half was tame, sounding like lush film scores. The second half was something completely different. A random collection of Anthony Braxton compositions that seemed to be thrown together with little consideration of how they impacted each other. This was very challenging to listent to. (Some of the audience left during the performance.) I concentrated, analysed and critiqued with as much of an open mind as I could but my opinion is that this was not music but some abuse of musical instruments that had no melody, rhythm or cohesion - the latter possibly because it was so many different compositions, smashed together then manipulated with three simultanous conductors asking parts of the orchestra to effectively improvise within some constraints. This is a classically trained orchestra, not a jazz ensemble. It failed to provide entertainment or enjoyment on any level and the raptuous applause that followed was, in my opinion an incident of Emperor’s New Clothes. This is not too high-brow or intelligent for me. It has been tried before by more competent composers & arrangers / conductors. Indeed, a single piece of Braxton’s works may have been more cohesive and enjoyable.

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So sometimes music is not the best :>

A rework of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (our BBC/PBS) national news theme.

Came up in an article on the forensic recovery of the original multitrack from almost 40 years ago. They used the multitrack as the basis of a new adaption to lead the ABC news this week.

[edit] A full audio history of the themes just begging for a mashup :>


A pedalboard solo.


Combining Irish dancing and organs pedals should be a thing :>

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By far the most esoteric performance of the weekend was this Guy…


if i learned one thing from the olympics, it was this :- never take dancing advice from an aussie :smiley:

meanwhile, pioneering old TV stuff here :-

What we lack in dancing prowess we more than make up for in tall poppy syndrome apparently.

Personally, I don’t think we need a world platform to demonstrate that certain lack of ability as we do too drunk, too early, dancing any given Friday in every pub in the land :>