What about https://musical-artifacts.com/ ?
Seems like exactly that kind of platform, also completely the open source/creative commons way of doing it. We can easily tag the engines there as “apps” and maybe introduce a “Zynthian” tag if we like, it’s searchable, filterable…
Actually there already are some uploads for Dexed, Fluidsynth, Linuxsampler and a whole lot for Zynaddsubfx.
Hi @freeKey!
Musical-artifacts is in my radar from some time ago, but i hadn’t time to investigate/think how could we use it for Zynthian. It would be really nice if you could do this research an make a proposal. I move this conversation to a new topic
Hey all, I’m the creator of Musical Artifacts. There’s extensive documentation on how to integrate the site for creating and downloading user generated presets. You can read it here https://github.com/lfzawacki/musical-artifacts/wiki/API-Documentation
The page has examples for every HTTP call with curl to get you started. This repository has example projects integrating the api https://github.com/lfzawacki/musical-artifacts-api-examples
This is integrated into webconf now.
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