New PD patch: Zynscope

Here’s my latest Puredata patch. It displays waveforms on the screen. Controls are provided to set the size (height) of the waveform, size of display window and x/y position of the window. Once a synth engine is selected and the Zynscope patch is selected, you will need to use Audio Routing to route the synth engine audio to the PD patch as shown in the youtube video. I made some final tweaks and renamed the patch to Zynscope after making the video.

Here’s the PD patch (2.0 KB)


Nice, how did you install GEM? Via Deken or vie DEB package?

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GEM was already installed. I’m using the Aruk Buster image on a RPI4. I also have GEM on a RPI3 with Stretch image. Again, it was already installed on the image.

Got this working and I definitely like the position and size control. Haven’t managed to see any waweforms as yet. Does it monitor the output of the zynth or simply within the PD model…?

The PD patch has no audio. Load the PD patch on Ch #1. Load a synth engine on Ch #2, then long press on the synth engine in Layer List. Select Audio Routing and then click on 1#PD. Once you set your midi keyboard to play the synth on Ch #2 you should see the scope respond. I use Ch #1 and Ch #2 in this example, but you can select what ever channels you want to use.

Ok That’s got it !! Very nice…![scope|690x387] especially as a grab from scrot !!

Could it draw the routing map for the audio layers … ?


I doubt it. You’ll have to use patchage.

Never mind it was a nice thought… :smiley:

Patchage has real redraw problems on my rig . .

Hallo friends…

I want to change the Pure Data File of the Lissajous figure. It should only be controlled via audio from the synthesizer.

Does anyone have an idea how I can do that. I thought about cutting off the oscillators in PD and using adc~ Would that work :thinking: Thanks. Rolf

Hi @rolfdegen,
You can use adc~ objects to control the scopexyz~ object. Lissajous figures are created using sine waves. Complex waves from a synth engine may not produce interesting patterns but you can experiment to see what happens. I would suggest you start by replacing only one of the three osc~ objects to see how if affects the output. You will probably need to change it’s scale to keep the image symmetrical. Also you can delete the dac~ object to keep the pd patch from outputting audio so you will only hear the synth.

Currently, the pd patch can be controlled with notes from a midi keyboard. This allows you to clone midi from a synth to the pd patch. You can turn the volume of the pd patch to zero, change the Speed controller to zero and the MonoPoly controller to 2. Now when you play the synth the patterns will change. This is not the same as you hope to accomplish, but it does allow the patterns to change when the notes change. Here’s a snapshot to demonstrate: 006-FS;FluidSynthPads;Space Voice.zss (19.2 KB)

Hallo friends :star_struck:

@ronsum Thanks for your tip

I did it. Now Lissajou’s figure works with sounds from Synthian. I added adc ~ and gain and removed dac ~ in purr data.

Video: (2.3 KB)

Greetings Rolf


For Germans here is a detailed documentation about Pure Data in German. Kapitel 1. Einführung in Pd

Grüße aus Wuppertal. Rolf

@jofemodo I forgot to say thanks. Its a very nice and wonderful PD script.