New Raspberry PI 4

Great! Can’t have too many Zynthians.


Cool, just replaced the Pi3 for a 4 I had laying around, burned a new SD and it just works! Also great I am still mentioned in the config (prototype-kees) :rofl:

I had not used the Zynthian much cause I had many problems with xruns and so… After an hour of playing, no problem anymore. Tnx again for this great project.



the prototype doesn’t exist anymore? Can we remove the option?

Well, I just replaced the PI, so the wiring stays the same and I was glad to see this scheme still existed. Sometimes I think this setup is not completely stable… So if there is a better way to connect everything, I am open for suggestions. What is (Where can I find) the most stable schematic atm?

I am still using the _w32 which is a child of yours.
Nobody else is using that.
The most stable schematic is not using 23008 when you use encoders :slight_smile:

So I could convert to the all-in-one solution ? Right now most of the encoders are directly connected to the PI as I can remember… and I already have a 23017… hmm, 23008 it is

I sometimes wonder if the touchscreen does interfere with the encoderconnections.

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BTW, why not sending some basic telemetry data back, so you guys can track the use of peripherals…? And, doesn’t Zynthian have a channel on discord?

We’ve got an irc! Well, I’m in the irc…


#zynthian on freenode

Search result

Swapped the 23008 for a 23017, so the protype-kees can be removed.

I’ve just replaced my failing laptop with an 8g Pi4 in this case…

It runs Pycharm :smiley:

The access to the i/o port is particularly nice…

got a 32G SSD but that is being replaced soon.


I look at him for the third day… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Curious case. ABS base, aluminum top cover. I like the solution to move all the connectors to the backside. :+1:

It’s not obvious but the i/o exposed under a panel held on with magnets. What not to like?

No way…

Ok. It’s now got A 256g SSD Card. That’s 6 G bigger than the laptop it’s replaced.

Make sure you have a USB Mouse & Keyboard when you start it up. You can’t turn on Bluetooth till you’ve started up and you need a keyboard to set your new password.


The Gallium’s melted :smiley:

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It only needs 30 degrees Celsius or - 351.67 degrees for our American friends or Daily Mail readers.