New stable-2211 is out!

I’ve been testing the new release and there are still some wrinkles to iron out, I’m not sure whether I should comment them here, open a new thread or just open a new issue in github.

Until I’m educated in the best practices, let me explain the most noticeable one.

When you have multiple chains, you can get to the control view of each one in different ways:

  1. from the mixer, move to a chain and select it
  2. from the control view, go to the next chain using the layer button (short click)
  3. using a Program Change

1 and 2 work fine, you get the control view with the proper controls and values

Number 3, using Program Change to select a chain via a ZS3 does not work properly when you are in the control view. The ZS3 subsnapshot is loaded with the right values, you can use the chain and everything sounds fine. But the ui controls are not updated for the new chain and you see the controls of the former chain. If you go back, you still navigate in the former engine. Seems like the screen params are not updated. If you go to the mixer and come back, then you can see the right params, so it’s only a matter of a missing update somewhere.

Hope it helps!

I am not keen on program change messages changing the selected chain. I raised this during development but don’t remember it being changed but maybe it was. I can see workflows that would benefit from the feature and others that wouldn’t. Maybe we could consider an option to enable this feature.

fix_zs3_control_refresh.diff (519 Bytes)

I’ve taken a little time to understand a small part of the code and I’ve come up with this two-liner fix for the control screen refresh.

Hope it is right!

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It can be simpler than that:
fix_zs3_control_refresh_1.diff (520 Bytes)

but we need to see what happens under other conditions, e.g. when in multitimbral mode.


But @riban, ZS3 Program Change actually DOES CHANGE the selected chain, and the GUI should reflect the change. It already does when you are in the mixer view, and it should do when you are in Control View.

  • In stage mode, it simply MUST be like this. Active chain recives all MIDI input. It can’t be done in a different way. There is no discussion here.

  • In Multitimbral mode we could keep the active chain unchanged, ignoring the “active chain setting” stored in the ZS3. It’s not going to make a big difference. We could discuss this :wink:


2211 on stage next thursday !


Any chance this will make it into the testing/stable branch? I don’t know if it fixes the multitimbral mode, but it certainly solves the problem in stage mode.

Hello everybody.
I had just installed the 2210 version and from webconf I did the update to have the 2211 which seems to have been successful, but in webconf I see that the firmware is still 2210. Is this normal? Thank you

There are still a couple of branchs that need tidying up…

I’m running testing myself at the moment…


No, you have to select, “Stable” then update.

Well done to the team here. A fantastic achievement.

The new Main FX feature seems like a handy way to have your favourite FX available across different Chains. Is there a way to control each Master FX level? Like the same way you would have a Bus send level in a DAW where the FX is on the Bus.

Thanks again for making such a joyful device

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Hi @ReallyLongLogin! Thanks for the appreciative message. The main mixbus effects chain is more like an insert point in the main output so no, there is not a send level from each chain.

Sorry Riban for my ignorance … To update I have to go to Software / Update right?
But I only see the Update button and not the possibility to select Stable … Surely I’m doing something wrong … Thanks

I went to the Repository and selected Stable in all the drop-down menus … Now mark Stable Do I have to update too? Or is it already okay? Thank you

The repository page allows you to select which version of each module to use but this only applies after an update, i.e. you must select the repository branch names then update.

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Perfect… Thanks


thanks @riban

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Oh … I just see that some nice messages are displayed during system initialization.

Love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Still just getting used to the new layout and features but 2211 is a really awesome update to the Zynthian. The new UI is a huge improvement and features like the MIDI recorder/player are now very smooth and responsive.

Excellent job guys!


Excited to see the update. Having some problems getting it started. For some reason the WebConfig won’t go past the password screen. It’s odd because it it looks like it’s accepting the password (raspberry), just not moving beyond that. I’ve flashed the card twice and I’m able to enter through ssh, I can even start and stop the webconfig… but I can’t go past the login screen.

Here’s what I see when I type the correct password:

It just keeps displaying that same prompt over and over.

Here’s what appears with the incorrect password:

Here’s what I see in terminal:

Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 8.34.03 PM

I’m trying to at least get it configured to the correct screen so I can see what’s going on with the device. Currently all I see is the command prompt on the Zynthian. I know once I get it configured everything will be ok, but I just can’t get to that point.

I’ve also tried /zynthian/config/ but it tells me permission is denied

In addition, I’ve tried command lines in terminal but nothing seems to work.

I am the last one who can answer given my little experience … but I also had this problem and changing browser it worked (if you have already done so I apologize).

In my case, only with Edge I was able to upgrade from 2210 to 2211, while others have not had this problem.