New stable-2211 is out!

I had a similar issue, and it turned out to be the sd card. I replaced it with a faster one, and now it works like a charm.

Appreciate the responses.

So far I’ve tried on both Safari and Firefox with no luck (I’m using MacOS). If I could just get the screen or WiFi enabled then I’d have more options to see what’s going on. I’m just not as strong in Terminal or with command line stuff.

The card is a 64gb C10, 100mB/s Sandisk Ultra. It’s the same card I was using for the previous release. I flashed it the first time with Apple Pi Baker 2, the second time I used the Raspberry released OS writer.

Webconf: I had same issue with firefox. Chrome didn’t have the problem.

I had the same trouble until I found this:

I also updated the Zynthian ssh-keys on my OSX terminal with ssh -r zynthian.local and logging in again with ssh and answering yes to the question asked.

I hope these help!


@jofemodo should we set the date to something recent (build date) during startup to reduce risk of this? (A RTC would help :rofl:.) I think this impacts users who don’t have Internet access to their Zynthian.

An RTC shield for Arduino costs very little…

Or are using it as a wifi hotspot.

That thread describes my issue almost exactly. Great information. Thank you.

It also reminds me to add the following details…

Accessing the Zynthian directly on the Mac with an Ethernet cable. Cookies and cache were cleared on Safari and Firefox.

I’ll see if I can change the date to correct my issue.

I was able to connect directly to the router. I forgot my mesh router satellite had access points in the back, since I usually just do a direct ethernet connection to the Mac. That direct connection affects my internet access which usually isn’t a problem.

So if anyone else has a similar issue with direct ethernet, running through the router or another access point might help. However the idea of a RTC seems like an interesting and potentially beneficial thing. I’d be willing to add one if I could figure out how to do it without breaking everything.

Thanks again for all the great tips.

Those of us involved in events linked to things like solstices, bell ringing and such like would appreciate this…

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I loaded Odin 2 … but if I use a polyphonic sound, the Zynthian sound sizzles and the red triangle appears. I am using a Raspberry P4 with 4Gb of ram and a SanDisk Ultra 32 Gb A1 SD.
Could it be a problem with the SD?
Many thanks

Most probably the Odin patch is too resource hungry. See previous comments - Odin is a powerful synth that can exhaust the resources available within Zynthian. Raspberry Pi is a relatively low powered device and will struggle with complex Odin patches. This is also true of other synths like Helm, Surge, Vitalium, etc. These are all fantastic synths with powerful features but they come at a price.

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I figured … I was hoping it was an SD problem … however monophonic sinths work fine. I’m trying ALL the sounds to make a selection and lighten the Zynthian by having only the sounds that really interest me inside. I am VERY satisfied with this machine.
Thanks Riban

7 posts were split to a new topic: Power off intermittently displayed

Yusss… someone else is going to read the manual for me :grinning:


I think it may be of interest that, having destroyed the firmware to change the display from 2.8 to 3.5, reinstalling the latest clean version, the Pianoteq license works.
You have done a FANTASTIC job. Thank you

Even if everything works I ask you… in the last Webconf you can’t configure the MPC23017 INT-A pin?


Have you tried to click the select ? :wink:
It’s grey, but you should be able to change the value.

I just fixed this so now background it should be white for selects and input boxes.


Many thanks jofemodo.
But I believe that you are referring to the “old” Webconf, if you look below I have put the screen of the new Webconf… it’s the new one that I don’t understand how to modify. Thank you