On-Screen Status Info on Zynthian-UI: CPU-load, MIDI-IN, xrun, undervoltage & overtemperature

Not “aroud the amp” but “on the supply lines from amp to rPI”.
Better: power the rPI from a separate (and big enough) power supply. If there is a culprit, I bet my two cents on the regulated voltage out of the amp to be the one.

Yes you are undoubtedly right… I wonder if we could provide pads on an encoder board …? :scream:

Are there steering diodes to allow you to power like this? (from two sources) . Presumably the Hifiberry psu will need to have tracks cut or am I barking up the wrong tree(again?)

Nice question. Without amp and rPI schematics, it can’t be answered for sure.

In the “vanilla” 54232 circuits, there are no protections against a voltage present on the output side. but even if the circuit on the amp was more sophisticated than the basic one, I’ll not try to power the rPI connected to the amp without “cutting” the supply from the amp.

It’s not a certainty, it’s more something about my spider senses tingling… And I always listen to my spider senses…

Remembered zynthian-amp2 has an lcd screen attached!. Chats on hifiberry forum says power this seperately ( which does seem fairly sensible)
See how that affects performance overall.

Sadly a 5v volt supply to generate . . .
The more I think of this, the more I go with the two zynth node solution…

Node to control it with the screen, and Ethernet connected audio render engine.

Sacrifice a spare cell phone charger, for science! :smiley:

It offends my neatness :nauseated_face:

This seems like a good reason to do so… :rofl:

That’s Axeman on the list . . . . .:rage:

So like Jonh before him, this Axe must die…

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All things lead inevitably to python . . . .

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And this is sad, because python is one of the most horrible languages I’ve had to use.

And I had to use horrible things like Cobol, Fortran, and Objective C (that I have always called “a worse brainfuck”, even in official mail with Apple… :smiling_imp:)

Sorry for late reply - I was on a business trip.

No, no special optimizations.

I made a fresh installation and now it works without xruns! Don’t ask me why… but now I have a problem with my Pianoteq-Steinberg license (see Pianoteq License Key Activation from Webconf [SOLVED] - #3 by C0d3man).

Regards, Holger

LCD power supply replaced on zynthian-amp2.local, with traditional 2 Amp
Much Less general Xrun on Pianoteq

Well it seems to behave (doesn’t blow up, emit smoke, get hot, from an over-night soak). There is the trick wire from the end pin on the lcd to a power rail ( think it’s the 5V) that needs to be there…

Pianoteq performance is as described by:

Can anyone put a musical style or composer to …

“Just play the lower keys very fast, loud and many.” ?

Yep got it… It’s Magma. . . .

Theusz Hamtaahk Magma…

Don’t get me wrong it’s great nearly all the time but seeing xruns for live is a new stimuli to swallow, I’ve not had them on the old GM fluidsynth Yamaha (which presumably is a little more passive). I don’t seem to get them for MK1 Tremo.
It plays my rubbish piano blues ok and once I hook up ANOTHER psu to power the ui log screen, I’ll be able to be a bit more specific about examples and hopefully upload clean recordings.

I’m going to see if I can get the sulky wyleu enfant to play something reasonably demanding. It may take effort. . .

It just might be the Pi needs more than the 2Amp regulator on the hifiberry amp2 can supply. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Getting back onto the On Screen Status topic, Perhaps we might indicate when the zynthian is recording Audio MIDI or Both? as I’ve just filled zynthian-nord.local with a recording . . . . .