ORAM 2024-05-22: RPI5 does not boot

But you show the webconf dashboard. How do you get it?

is the last save I have before issue: I took note of last working status

Try reflashing then :wink:

It will be my 4th time: what do you think it causes this status?

No idea. Iā€™ve tested with several pi5 boards and it works. Tomorrow I will try again.


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Maybe it would be helpful inspect the content of SD to see if there is something wrong.
I installed Freeware Linux Readerā„¢ for Windows so I can see the SD
@jofemodo : could I give you more details about missed boot watching the content of SD?

What is the size of this SD card? Brand and model too, please.


64 GB Sandisk Ultra

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@piattica, i was testing again with a fresh burned Oram Bookworm image. I used ā€œsandisk Ultra 32GBā€. No issues. I tested in 3 different RPI5 boards, connecting the SD card directly and using a SD card extender. Everything worked as expected. The Pi5 booted without issues and it displayed the first booting splash in the DSI display i was using No other hardware apart from the display.

Please, could you verify that itā€™s not an issue with the bootloader? Although the RPi team says itā€™s difficult to corrupt the bootloader, in the latest weeks i had to recover 2 of my RPi5 boards because of the bootloader being corrupted. I never suffered this issue with RPi4, but RPi5 is different.

For recovering from a corrupted bootloader, you simply have to burn this image on a SD-card:


Then boot your RPI5 with it and wait until the green led start to blink fast. Then power-off, remove the SD-card and boot with the Oram Bookworm SD image.



following with your hypothesis, why Zynthian works after reflashing the SD?

I canā€™t reproduce the issue. My RPI5 boot always. The first, the second and all the others. I suspect my bootloader corruption episodes were due to incomplete or bad rpi-update.Strange, but i canā€™t say more.
After restoring the bootloader, everything is working perfectly OK.


tomorrow I will follow you suggestion to rebiild the bootloader and if your idea is correct after fixing the bootloader
the SD should work immediately

what do you think?

I recovered bootloader
then I tried a boot with the SD working before failed boot, but no changes: system still does not boot.

So I am reflashing once more the SD.
I am not expert but the problem IMHO is connected with OS SD: probably an update corrupts some files.
Mind that it happened to me 3 times so there is something happening during update.

To be clear, I have fixed my bootloader multiple times on my Pi5 this week, and what causes it to break again is booting the Oram image. I have it running raspbian right now out in the garage, it is definitely something on your image.

I do not have $30 to order their fancy terminal cable unfortunately, and I cannot seem to make the thing talk to my old-style uart adapters.

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[quote=ā€œjtode, post:34, topic:9601ā€]their fancy terminal cable

could you show me a pict. of that?

these are the two cables I have - note the standard breadboard-size pins.

All Pis up to 4 used pins 14+15 for UART. No problem. Pi has changed their default UART for serial to this ā€œEZā€ connector, between the two HDMI ports (says ā€œUARTā€ on the screenprint):


You can enable them by modifying the bootloader, which I did, but I cannot get a peep of communication off them, with any image at all.

I could spend $20 but I donā€™t have $20 (last time I looked it was $30 - possibly Amazon turned the price down when I came back a second time, not sure).

you can enable kernel boot log on regular GPIO/UART console :


Like I said, spent yesterday trying. Iā€™m not always competent and the docs arenā€™t always worth a turd.

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Yeah sometimes it looks like the RaspberryPi folks are in a pure ā€œless is moreā€ mood with their documentation :thinking: .

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I tried the image ā€œ2024-05-22-zynthianos-bookworm-aarch64-oram-2405.zipā€ with my new raspi 5 yesterday, without having anything attatched than an USB Mouse, a HDMI Display and an active cooler. Same problems here. It starts blinking 3x long and 1x short, which from the documantation stands for ā€œSPI EEPROM error - Pi 4 and Pi 5ā€.
Made a bootloader recovery and tried the test version from 2024-05-05, there the blinking code strangely is 4x long and 5x short, which stands for ā€œFatal firmware errorā€.
After recovering the bootlaoder i installed the official raspberry pi os, works like a charme.