ORAM 2024-05-22: RPI5 does not boot

After issue,
I did bootloader recovery as suggested by Jofemodo,
I reflashed the OS on SD
and I do all the update from the Zynthian admin menu

I believe, I not 100% sure, the impossible boot happened after an updated started from Webconf

There is no difference, unless you abort the update process or the update process got aborted for some reason when firmware is just being updating. I will try to investigate following your suggestion.



My RPi5 would not boot any OS. It flashed green LED 4 long and 4 short. I used the latest bootloader flash image for RPi5 and that fixed it. I can now boot into RaspberryOS and ZynthianOS. The latest Oram image installed fine and I am now running it. I moved it to NVMe and it still works fine.

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After using official raspberry os to perform a complete upgrade and switching to explicitly newest bootloader in raspi config, i inserted a freshly oram os. Now it shows the zynthian logo at startup, but shows error and is stuck in a restart Loop. I cannot access webconf, although it shows an ip address. Probably because of raspi restarting so fast. The only thing i can see ist the message Systemd[1] failed to start backlight.service
Turn on/off displ

Zynthian UI will restart because it fails to find jackd which is not starting because it fails to find a soundcard. (We should fix this.) Webconf is a separate process that should run independently. So, of you can ping the IP you should be able to point your browser at that IP address and access webconf with default password, opensynth.

after latest update of this morning it was working but
after switch off, switch on it doesn’t boot anymore:

  • black screen
  • max speed of fan
  • RPi led green

update launched from admin menu

it is my 4th time :angry:, mind that yesterday I used it all day long

Default password is “opensynth”? i used “raspberry” :slight_smile:

I removed the Zynthian SD and inserted the UBUNTU and it works perfectly, so bootloader corruption is not the cause

the problem is in Zynthian sw

Sorry piattica, i can’t reproduce your issue. I want to help you but it’s very difficult to fix an issue that i can’t reproduce, sorry. Don’t update from webconf if you think this is related. I will investigate this.


yes, I updated of from Zynthian so also the hypothesis connected to updated from webconf is bad

Maybe something got corrupted on SD but what?

I usually switch off just cutting the power: could it be the reason?

Earlier last week I have replaced my rpi4 with rpi5 and kept the same SD card with latest oram. Zynthian booted with no problems on rpi 5 and recognized all hardware (screen, touch, audio, midi) on rpi 5. I am still using it every day with no issues on restarts.

I have got hifiberry DAC2 ADC pro in post today so I will test this as well - specifically audio input that @jofemodo reported not working yet on rpi5.

With the right password i am able to start. Unfortunately the hifiberry dac+ adc pro card is not working right now, but in the meantime i am really impressed how smooth and fast everything is running, also vnc connection works great.
Like the new layout with the commemnts and ratings. Great work.

@piattica, what is your current state with RPi5? You have described your problems with it not booting after a power off and you having flashed the image several times but I can’t quite figure out what your current state is or the exact procedure you used each time.

Will you please tell us whether your RPi5 is now booting okay and if not, the exact process (step-by-step) you used to create the image, boot, power down, and failure mode. No one else seems to be suffering this problem so we need your detailed description to better understand your issue.

Why not use the RPi5 power button? It works well with Zynthian and is a really useful addition to RPi5. I have missed having such a power button on previous versions.

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I will replay with all details in a new ticket

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I opened a ticket, hope it is complete

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