We are proud to anounce the release of Oram-2409.3. This is an update to the stable release. If you are running the stable release (oram-2409) then you should see an update icon appear in the top right.
This version has been in staging for many weeks and undergone much user testing but please report any issues you find using the “Report Issue” button in webconf dashboard.
The staging version (oram git branch) has been updated to the current testing version (vangelis) so if you are using staging you may wish to switch to stable to continue with your current behaviour.
The following is a list of the changes that 2409.3 brings:
Update zynaptik to work with latest version (oram).
Add DSP56300 emulator.
Add contextual help.
Change ALT button functionality.
Reduce risk of SD corruption if brute powering-off after updating.
Fix RPi3 not updating.
Explicitly enable maximum current on RBPi's USB ports.
Force restart of UI & webconf after updating.
Adds zynaudio8x driver.
Add V5 wiring profile options to TOUCH_ONLY config.
Adds PWM fan control.
Fix update available indication.
Add "scan for new presets" in processor options.
When scanning presets, add non-existing banks on-the-fly and sort bank list.
Show message in topbar when all notes/sounds off requested.
Fixes zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking#1268 snapshot view navigation.
Fixes zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking#1271 setBfree auto connect.
Add option to Mixer learn menu to enable MIDI learn.
Adds export chain option.
Adds import/merge of snapshots.
Update sequencer launchpad after renaming.
Improve default launchpad name so it takes from other processors if no synth processors.
Avoid last snapshot being reset when loading a snapshot after deleting all.
Auto-select current snapshot in snapshot list.
Fix wrong fader position when loading a snapshot.
Fix error adding too many chains.
Hide audio chains from menu if no audio mixer channels available.
Force absolute CC mode when learning pedals.
Move "save preset" and "scan for new presets" from processor to preset options.
Fix MIDI CC send for LV2 plugins when engine MIDI channel different from processor's.
Improve custom MIDI controller pages: multiple pages, custom controllers, etc.
Add custom MIDI controllers for Osirus and OsTIrus.
Fix zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking#1278: Pattern note offsets are not copied to the destination pattern.
Disable DSP56300 plugins for RPi version < 5.
Fix bug on preset cache generation.
Implement custom controller config files for LV2 (jalv) plugins.
Add custom config for OsTIrus.
Fix bug in sanitize_zs3_from_json().
Use OsTIrus MIDI mapping for Osirus.
Refresh mixer's title after loading zs3.
When restoring "MIDI capture" state from zs3, fix load/unload ctrldev drivers.
Fix bug in GUI control's build view that caused strange display behavior (blinking!) when recalling ZS3.
Fixes zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking#772. Adds loop selector to sooperlooper levels controller page.
Fixes sooperlooper loop selection. Limit range to quantity of loops (not max loops).
Sooperlooper nudge up/down now uses (MIDI CC) values <63 / >63.
Allow ALL MIDI channels in all chain types.
Load sooperlooper user custom MIDI bindings.
Improve LV2 pluging configurations including envelopes and parameter grouping.
Add configuration tool in webconf for DSP56300 emulator.
Show specific configuration tools in webconf only when the related engines are enabled (pianoteq & DSP56300).
Deactivate jack client before closing to reduce impact on jack service.
Unfortunately, switching my Pi5 Oram Staging to Stable resulted first in an endless update request (green recycle symbol), then in a strange Custom setting shown in webconf repos, and finally - once set there Latest Stable as OS - in a IP: Software ERROR at startup.
I am unable to reach the Zynthian via webconf, both on PC or Mac, but can see /root with SSH.
What would be the CLI command to enforce Staging Oram again? (or possibly to correctly set Stable 2409.03?).
I was updated to the latest Staging release available until today (going from memory, a few days ago…), when I switched to Stable following the new directions.
Arguably, yesterday or the day before, because I always start that Pi5 Zynth once a day, and have regularly updated Staging to the available release additions. It would help if I could revert via CLI to my previous working Staging version… I could maybe try some kind of zynthian_update.sh or a similar more specific procedure (whose syntax I cannot remember now), but I definitely refrain from doing such things in “shot in the dark” style!
Try this and let me know what happens… ZYNTHIAN_STABLE_TAG=last /zynthian/zynthian-sys/scripts/update_zynthian.sh to hopefyllt set to stable then switch back to staging if required.
Done right now: it worked! Zynth on Pi5 is alive again. Thanks @riban
Repos appears as Stable (Oram-2409.3) in webconf. What should I do with my other Zynthians (V4 and V5.1), leave them to Oram Staging or try to switch to Stable, in order to get the latest functioning 2409.3?
Thank you for the prompt and effective reaction
Just FYI: in the previous attempted switch of this morning to Oram Stable 2409.3, the exposure of Osirus and OsTIrus parameters was gone, now it is in place again.
There were some issues deploying this release so if you tried updating in the past couple of days you may need to use the command line fix but otherwise I hope the update just works.
I’ve just upgraded and am experiencing similair issues to the above.
IP : Software error on startup
RPi4 Custom, previously on Oram stable. Generic HDMI/DI display, UCA 222 soundcard, Dummies wiring.
Can’t access Webconf but can access via SSH, the CLI command hasnt fixed the issue.
Anything else I can try to repair or roll back?
I did the update yesterday. I remember having seen a message like some software could not be found. It happened too fast and the update seemed succesfull.
When I started my system this afternoon, I got the IP: Software ERROR message.
I connected the zynthian with a cable to my network and could enter ZYNTHIAN_STABLE_TAG=last /zynthian/zynthian-sys/scripts/update_zynthian.sh
Update seems okay (stable oram-2409.3) but the first the green haert appears and then the update icon pops up immedtialy after the update.
I have done three updates now, using the standard procedure in the zynthian.
In my Black Pearl it seems to have worked perfectly…
I wanted to tell the creators of Zynthian if one day there will also be an Italian name on the software… After Vangelis and many others…
My proposals:
You can add me to the list, too. v5.1 official hardware.
Since I only got mine a few weeks ago and don’t have anything saved on it that I couldn’t rebuild from scratch easily, I’m just going to flash the card with the new stable image.
EDIT: flashing a fresh stable image and updating from webconf immediately after the first boot did the trick. Brute force but it worked.
(venv) root@zynthian:~# journalctl -n40 -uzynthian
Dec 27 22:30:43 zynthian startx[7864]: ZynCore: Configured 8 x Logical Zynswitches…
Dec 27 22:30:43 zynthian startx[7864]: ZynCore: Setting-up 0 x Physical Zynswitches…
Dec 27 22:30:43 zynthian startx[7864]: ZynCore: Setting-up 0 x Zynpots (zyncoders)…
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/./zynthian_main.py”, line 36, >
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: from zyngui.zynthian_gui import zynthian_gui
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngui/zynthian_gui.py”, line >
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: from zyngui.zynthian_gui_help import zynthian_gui_help
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngui/zynthian_gui_help.py”, >
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: from tkinterweb import HtmlFrame
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tkinterweb’
Dec 27 22:30:44 zynthian startx[7864]: libzynaudioplayer exiting… done!
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[876]: *******************
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[876]: EXIT STATUS => 1
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[876]: *******************
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[7887]: /zynthian/config/img/fb_zynthian_message.jpg is a 800x480 JP>
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[7887]: Zooming image by 100%…done
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[7887]: Merging…done
Dec 27 22:30:45 zynthian startx[7887]: Building XImage…done
Dec 27 22:30:56 zynthian startx[7957]: ZynCore: Configured 8 x Logical Zynswitches…
Dec 27 22:30:56 zynthian startx[7957]: ZynCore: Setting-up 0 x Physical Zynswitches…
Dec 27 22:30:56 zynthian startx[7957]: ZynCore: Setting-up 0 x Zynpots (zyncoders)…
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: Started libzynaudioplayer using libsndfile-1.2.0
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/./zynthian_main.py”, line 36, >
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: from zyngui.zynthian_gui import zynthian_gui
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngui/zynthian_gui.py”, line >
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: from zyngui.zynthian_gui_help import zynthian_gui_help
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: File “/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngui/zynthian_gui_help.py”, >
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: from tkinterweb import HtmlFrame
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tkinterweb’
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[7957]: libzynaudioplayer exiting… done!
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[876]: *******************
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[876]: EXIT STATUS => 1
Dec 27 22:30:57 zynthian startx[876]: *******************
Dec 27 22:30:58 zynthian startx[7990]: /zynthian/config/img/fb_zynthian_message.jpg is a 800x480 JP>
Dec 27 22:30:58 zynthian startx[7990]: Zooming image by 100%…done
Dec 27 22:30:58 zynthian startx[7990]: Merging…done
Dec 27 22:30:58 zynthian startx[7990]: Building XImage…done
I tried this update but I’m also experiencing the persistent green update icon after 4 or more update cycles. I can’t see things like context help & DSP56300 (I assume that should show up in the engines in webconf?). I have run only the stable version so far.
This is my webconf (never had any problems accessing this at any point through the updates)
@SteveFlesh It looks like some update recipies were skipped. I am not sure what caused that. You could try to force a full update of all recipies by removing file /zynthian/config/patchlevel.txt, e.g.
rm /zynthian/config/patchlevel.txt
and then running the update again from the command line, e.g.
This will take a long time, over 10 minutes on my RPi5. If we knew approximately when you last updated before 24th December then we could set the content of that file to a later point and the update would take less time.
An alternative would be to start with a fresh image but you would want to back up any work you had already done before starting that.