Strange. A short or bold press triggers the correct secondary CUIA action:
Jan 04 21:55:13 zynthian startx[3086]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui.zynswitch_short: Short Switch 4
Jan 04 21:55:13 zynthian startx[3086]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui.callable_ui_action: CUIA 'MENU' => None
Jan 04 21:55:13 zynthian startx[3086]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui.prune_screen_history: SCREEN HISTORY => ['audio_mixer', 'main_menu', 'admin']
Jan 04 21:55:13 zynthian startx[3086]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui.prune_screen_history: PRUNE 'main_menu' FROM SCREEN HISTORY => ['audio_mixer']
But a long press triggers this:
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: ERROR:zynthian_gui.cuia_thread_task: CUIA 'unknown' failed with params: ['4', 'P']
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: File "/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zyngui/", line 2360, in cuia_thread_task
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: zpi = zynthian_gui_config.zynpot2switch.index(i)
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Jan 04 21:55:20 zynthian startx[3086]: ValueError: 4 is not in list
There should be CUIA ZYNSWITCH 4,P
triggered on press and CUIA ZYNSWITCH 4,R
on the release of the switch-1 (zynswitch nr. 4]. The above mentioned error appears after the long press timeout (ca. 2s) of the switch passes, even if I don’t release the push at all. Why CUIA “unknown” and 4,P
after the timer registers a long press? May it be connected to some changes in the press timer? Why does it only concernthe touch buttons and not the physical ones?