Qjackctl not displaying

  • ssh to Zynthian
  • qjackctl
    qjackctl seems to be running but the windows do not render in my x-server. Same if it point at a different x-server, e.g.
  • DISPLAY= qjackctl

On my Windows PC running VcXsrv (which works for other applications forwarded from the zynthian) I see two windows (default and connections) in the task bar but neither will render on the screen.

Many of you have reported using qjackctl without issue. Any ideas?

It should work perfectly fine with the Gorgona SD image.
If you are using a ZynthianOS image, it’s a known issue. Something related with DRI and OpenGL.
I forgot to open a task in the github tracker, could you do it? :wink:

Yep I’ve not been able to start qjackctl on zynthian-nord (audioinjector, encoders,hdmi) for a while now.

GitHub issue #107.

I stumbled across patchage today.

Works very nicely as an alternative and already in the buster repo.

I stumbled across njconnect today.

Very easy to compile from source and use without XForwarding

Does audio and midi connections.


Looks a lot easier to present if we filter out the uninvolved functionality.
Could we provide a background image or colouring and ordering that put the in’s and outs in first or last column? . I find patchage much easier to read but frequently graphically unstable , but that really makes for a much easier presentation.

I’ve suggested this purely as an alternative to using QJackCtl or patchage, not as something we can stuff into the zynthian-ui. It has another non-grid display mode as well.

Ooh, nice. Thanks for the tip!

Could someone create an install recipe for njconnect? I would like to add it … :wink:

Will try this today :grin:

Here it is:

svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/njconnect/code/trunk njconnect
cd njconnect
make -j 4
make install
make clean
cd ..

PR follows… done.

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As I packaged njconnect for my own use in Fedora yesterday, I noticed that njconnect doesn’t honor external CFLAGS - not an uncommon problem in upstream projects. I don’t know how much attention the Zynthian project puts into this detail (although I guess I’m about to find out :grin:), but for example njconnect gets built with debug symbols almost tripling its size, and will miss out anything set in zynthian_envars.sh. Easy to fix with a one-liner sed, details depend on what is wanted but eg to keep upstream set flags onboard, something like sed -i -e "s:CFLAGS *=:CFLAGS +=:g" Makefile

Not that it’s going to make a splashing difference with a tiny non-performance critical piece of course.

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I had the same problem with Qjackctl. The package seems to be buggy so compiling it myself solved the problem:
apt remove qjackctl
apt install portaudio19-dev
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/qjackctl/code qjackctl-code
cd qjackctl-code
cd src <<---- this is important otherwise make install will fail because of a missing “lupdate” what can only be solved by installing a whole load of in this case not needed QT dev tools.
make install

And then you can enjoy QJackctl - assuming you run tigervnc:
DISPLAY=:1 qjackctl

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Fantastic! I will add the recipe to the repo and remove the debian package.


If you want to add this: I have created to systemd service files that at first start tigervnc and then qjackctl. This allows running QJackctl in the background and you just VNC into your Zynthian if you want to configure it:

This is qjackctl.service

Description=QJackctl Jackd and ALSA MIDI patch utility

ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/jack_wait -w


And here is tigervnc.service

Description=Start TigerVNC Server at startup
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :* > /dev/null 2>&1
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :*


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Thanks for the info. We shouldn’t run this as a service. It is handy to fire it up as necessary with X-forwarding. I don’t want to run vnc on my Zynthian but these child be useful to some, maybe even a configurable option to enable.

OK! The recipe has been added to the repo and next SD images will include it. Those wanting to install it on currently running SD images, simply:



I have carefully read the instructions above but unfortunately when I start qjackctl (from Putty with Xming open) the terminal keeps giving me this:
"root @ zynthian: ~ / qjackctl-code / src # qjackctl
failed to get the current screen resources
Warning: no translation found for ‘en_GB’ locale: /usr/share/qt5/translations/qt_en_GB.qm
Warning: no translation found for ‘en_GB’ locale: /usr/share/qjackctl/translations/qjackctl_en_GB.qm "Thanks for the help.

Brexit issue.