Qmidinet feedback

You are the QMidiNet guru.
I have following setup with 3 zynthians.
My keyboard-zynthian which sends Midi messages via channel the classic way to the first QmidiNet enabled-zynthian. It is listening on channel 1, sound ok.
When I hook up (ethernet) a second QmidiNet enabled zynthian with a layer on channel 2, I get an acoustic feedback on the first one, so that I have to panic.
Are you able to reproduce the behaviour?
Both QMidinet enabled zynthians are not running SingleChannelMode.

Yes there are scenarios that induce this sort of behaviour but I tend to see it occasionally. I run a lot of zynths and it behaves most of the time. I keep specific machines on specific MIDI channels.
The give away is permenantly on midi lights in the status window. I’ve not pinned it down to specific situations but I suspect you are right in that it involves more than two devices.


It’s fixed now

what was the problem?

It’s all in the GitHub post.

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Indeed it is … :smiley: