I take advantage of the confinement to return to music and therefore use touching my zynthian that I had abandoned since its acquisition.
I explain my problem:
Notes are missing when I replay a midi track from my DAW cakewalk.
There are plenty of notes missing! Only one note is played every 1 or 2 seconds. Some midi notes OFF are missing!
I have the same problem when playing a midi track with another midiplayer on the zynthian.
I have no problem when I play my zynthian from a USB keyboard or a MIDI keyboard.
I have no problem when I play a midi track with Cakewalk DAW (or another midiplayer) on anothers physicals expendeurs (and the same midi cable)
I tested midi parameters on the zynthian interface
I have a V2 kit and my sound card is a Roland UA-25EX
I tested it with the old image (gorgona) and the new one: the problem is the same.
It’s very strange.
I did tests and trials for several hours (and days) without finding anything.
so I submit my problem to your expertise
Has anyone had a similar problem? and how was it resolved?
Yes, the problem is the same when the “Limit USB speed to 12Mb/s” is on or off.
I saw the mentioned topic. Mine seems to be different.
I don’t have many notes on my score.
Only one track and only little arpeges with one note every 0.5 sec
i don’t think i will reach the “Limit USB speed to 12Mb/s”.
No the drop down simply allows you to sample the MIDI data stream at all kinds of places within the zynthian, if you play some MIDI into the zynth does it appear in the log…?
That is peculiar, The zynthian I am showing is zynthian-ceed and it has a USB Behringer Motor 61 plugged in and as you can see when I play notes they appear in the log and I can see the Blue M in the status bar being displayed…?
Actually for completeneses sake any chance of some photos of the zynth inside and out? I know inside is a bit of a pain but you say you have changed your build, have you changes your SD card?
You say you do get some notes from your DAW’s can you show the setup pages from those applications as that will give us some context which is often at the root of problems.