Success Cases

Hello everyone!
Here’s my attempt at making a portable synthesizer:


  • SBC: Orange Pi PC+
  • Keyboard: M-Audio KeyRig 49(Scored for a few bucks :smiley: )
  • Power: Asus 10050mAh(Lasts quite a bit, did not measure it but in the range of 4-6 hours)
  • Screen: ili9341+XPT2046(No touch unfortunately, the allwinner H3 on the orange pi supports a single slave/spi bus)
  • Encoders: generic breakout boards from china interfaced through a stm32 sending commands over UART
  • Soundcard: Aliexpress speciality $1
  • Single 3.5mm jack output
  • Built-in wifi with external SMA antenna

Paint job is not great, I know, I’m not a painter myself :smiley:

Upcoming: Embedded stereo speakers with cabinets