Testing the next release: Staging-2104

Just applied the update and there is some odd MIDI routing behaviour on my machine:

  • The setting “Route MIDI to output ports” does not “survive” a reboot. When I reboot it routes for less than a second and then it’s gone. The only way to activate it is to go into the MIDI settings in the Web UI and simply press “save” (nothing else needed, because the option is still checked).
  • MIDI clock is always routed. My assumption is that this should not happen if the option “Enable System Messages (Transport)” is not enabled.

While I had the clock issue before (open bug on github: SYSRT Clock is always routed when "Route MIDI to Output Ports" is enabled · Issue #445 · zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking · GitHub ), the reboot issue is new.

Could you test on the testing branch?

The updated image for stable-2104 is ready, although i’ve not tested yet. I will test it ASAP, please, do the same if you have a chance:


Once it’s tested, i will change the link that point to “last-stable”.


I just switched the repos to testing and ran software update. Same two problems: Routing to outputs is only activated when “save” is pressed in MIDI settings and then clock is always routed.

@jofemodo Hi ! Since the last update, when I activate the VNC server, in the VNC viewer or novnc, only ZynAddSub and pianoteq are showing, all the LV2 plugins are no longer visible !

You have to re-generate the LV2 cache from the webconf. Simply click “Search for new plugins and presets” from the LV2 tab.


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Hi @catherder !
I can’t reproduce your problem with enabling/disabling “MIDI Filter Output”. Could you give some details about your setup/context?


The problem is related to the “Route MIDI to output ports” option, not the filter. However I am just downloading the latest 2104 image and will try a clean install this afternoon. I had it before that while updating caused problems, doing a fresh install worked finally. My setup is a “clean” Zynthian with custom hardware (HDMI touchscreen and Tascam US 4x4 four channel audio).

It’s the same. The Zynthian UI has a slightly different name for this option that i’ve already changed for fitting the more clever webconf text.

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Thank you so much ! It works for Obxd and TAL plugins, but other LV2 plugins do not show up yet, like CALF, JX-10, Dexed etc plugins … Maybe it is not implemented yet? Or I’m not doing what’s necessary to make it done?

Not all LV2 plugins have a GUI (JX-10), and some of them have it, but’s it’s not available/built on zynthian (CALF).

Dexed is a special case, because the official version have a very nice GUI, but we are using the native LV2 version ported by @C0d3man, that has not a native GUI. Perhaps @C0d3man could tell us how difficult will be porting the GUI.


It’s solved on testing now:


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Thank you for the quick reply !
I know some plugins don’t have a GUI, but I think before updating I could see them (only settings) on vnc. maybe I was dreaming!
For dexed Gui, it’s fine with me, the engine is too complicated, I just use presets, and I just make a few tweaks.

Just reflashed my box with the latest 2104 image and routing stays enabled when the system reboots. And I can confirm that the clock problem is solved too (testing branch).
I really appreciate your dedication and quick response to these kind of problems. Zynthian not only rocks, it technoes, ambients, houses… as well.


@Tabula is right that there is changed behaviour in 2104. If a LV2 plugin does not have a working bespoke GUI then nothing is shown in noVNC viewer. This is a design choice on the basis that a list of controls in the generic jalv.gtk interface is as useful as the list in Zynthian UI. I appreciate this may be controversial but hope we can encourage plugin writers to create GUIs. This decision also simplified solving an issue with plugins failing under some conditions.

Okay ! thank you @riban , it’s more understandable now !

@riban Regarding the gui which does not show for all plugins, it would be interesting to be able to access the settings anyway because currently it’s the only way to save presets (with vnc) !

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@riban, perhaps we should re-enable the jalv self-generated gui, so there is a way for saving presets.

Also, we should make a list of plugins that have a native GUI and it’s not working on zynthian, so we can work on fixing it.

BTW, what about the dexed’s GUI, @C0d3man? How difficult is porting the native GUI from the official version to your LV2 -native version? I suspect is not a tiny task that can be done in 2 hours, but probably it’s not a technically difficult task either. It would more like a long and tedious task, right?


We can enable the jalv.gtk generic UI but need to ensure there aren’t any that break. I am pretty sure there were some plugins that failed which would need to be added to a deny list. This might offer a short term fix. It would be beneficial to add the ability within the UI to save presets without the need to access a GUI.


I agree. Saving presets from the UI is something that we should implement. We are really close to that now, at less on LV2 engines :wink:
