If you check out this thread you will see that footpedal control is possible with the right pedal. I am investigating the option of adding MIDI CC as a CUIA which would allow you to bind keys to CC but this may not make it into testing / next stable.
[Edit] I have a PoC working in a development branch which allows configuration of keybinding to CC:
- Value 1 sent when key pressed, nothing sent on key release
- Value 1 sent when key pressed, value 2 sent when key released
- Value 1 & value 2 toggled on each key press, nothing sent on key release
I think this covers most use cases. The main issue is that there is no linkage between the key state and the controlled parameter so at first boot or loading a new snapshot they could be out of sync resulting in the first press not toggling the state. (Only relevant for toggle.) This is based on some changed event handing in the dev branch that won’t be merged into testing until after the next stable release. I haven’t checked if it can be back-ported but the current development cycle kinda excludes this as it would delay development. But basically, it may be on its way…