V5 success but Dexed crashes

I got my kit quickly and building was no real problem, though I hat flat cables handling. I installed the staging version as recommended. Whenever I add a Dexed, it freezes at the midi chanel select page. Any hints?

I don’t know if this is the source of your problem, but the staging version is no longer recommended, as of a day or two ago. You should switch to the current stable version, it does have some fixes beyond staging and they might fix the problem.

I was not able to upgrade via webconf as @jofemodo suggested and had to use the sdcard image which he suggested as a backup. That went smoothly.

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I would bet some issue with your SD-card or first boot process. You should re-burn your SD-card, preferably with the latest stable image.

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Thanks - I just flashed current “stable” and all works well.