Van Halen - Jump


Never though of it like that, I’ve always mentally placed the sus4 C as above the root. . .

How do I put it to my soundfont?
I have 3 folders:
gig, sf2, sfz

Whats to do?

It’s the drop down

and just drag and drop the file into the dialog that appears for Upload… :slight_smile:

If you installed this

you find 20 banks.
The Kujashi is the original.
If you import all banks, the obxd load will take forever.
I am gonna import the KVR banks, because they just reorganized all the other banks into instrument groups.

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But thu UI says:

A bit tricky at 40,000 feet :yum:. I am aiming to have a device back together and time to play with it at Christmas. Maybe I can submit some jingle jump riffs then.

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Are you sure, that you updated and that you selected oxbd?

You have to select the engine on the preset manager main page. It’s the dropbox at top-left

Thanx, i´ve got it.
But thats not the Jump-Sound. It sounds a bit like a cembalo.

It is correct, that van Halen uses the OBX and perhaps it´s possible to programm that on the zynthian obxd-engine. Perhaps it´s difficult.

I will try a sample …:wink:

This is a sample of my Kronos-Jump-Sound.
Though I cannot hear the samples in polyphone (it only makes noise & distortion),
I couldn´t make loops. You hear, that the bass-sound is retriggert during the first C.
And there artifacts from other things.

But it sounds more like the OBX,I think.
If the prob with polyphone is solved, I will continue working at this sound.

Jump-Sound.sf2 (7.1 MB)

2nd try with longer samples, better sound


It seems that Christmas came early - well I had a day to get over jet-lag and played with the Zynth so here is Jumpmas…

Obxd D-Bells 1 lW. Maybe @wyleu will give me a grace period to finish building my kitchen before the next demand.
I have just updated and noticed that the"StevenGrace" bank of Obxd patches appears twice twice in the list. I guess this is unintentional.

Excellent !!

Be very careful! I might have to come and check this kitchen out in person, I have parents in your neck of the woods that are itching for a visit ! & I am in need of church bell recordings, so you have been warned … !!! :smiley:

I, also, use too many exclamation marks.

I saw this in Melbourne and thought of you…



The OP-x Pro VSt by Sonic Projects has an amazing “famous presets” soundbank. I’ll have a go converting these to the OB-Xd and will share.


Here is my entry.

First the real deal then my proposal.

Obxd - tal chorus - tal reverb - tiny bit of eq in daw.

It’s not perfect but close.

If I were to work a bit on finding the right reverb and eq-ing the top end a bit more I could get closer.

What do you think?


The first passage is spot on, the drum beats is a lovely touch, Perhaps the second phrase is a little bit too accordion, but in my view ( which as we all know is the only one that counts), its the best yet!!


No no. The fist passage is from the song, just for comparison.

The second passage is my snapshot.

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And I think, the end is a little wrong. second last f in bass?
its C/F Gsus4…
no the third…c - f -a, still c in bass