ZynFace: CV/Gate + ThereMIDI

I have got this working.

Here is the board fully populated and connected via ribbon cable to Zynthian.

Here are the ToF sensors installed.

It works! (Now that I have plugged the cable in correctly :blush:.)

The ToF sensors are fun but could be more useful with some extra configuration. Currently the adjust the configured parameter from one extreme to the other but we may wish to change the range, polarity, etc. For example, assigning CC 1 to TOF-2 results in full-scale CC1 applied when the sensor is idle (no blockage) and tends towards zero as the hand gets closer. This feels the wrong way round but highlights that we should have more configuration here.

There is a lot of noise on the TOF sensors, i.e. they are constantly sending commands. There should probably be some noise filtering and/or hysteresis.

I am yet to find / buy / build any 3.5mm patch cables but look forward to connecting to my SH101.


Nice work.

I intentionally pointed some of my connections on the other side of the board, because of how I wanted to fit in my eurorack. I wanted the wires from the Dupont connections to be tucked away around the back. I will be using these to add some extra ins/outs and controllers at some point. Alternatively, it might just be that I put the jack sockets on the other side. I can’t remember to be honest…

But it was intentional. :joy::ok_hand:

(Edit: looking at your pics, I mounted the jack sockets the other side)

Yep! I considered that but am not sure yet how I will use the GPIs.

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So I think I have everything working bar analogue… Anyone managed to get some analogue ins/outs working, yet?

I have analog in’s working… 4 pedals generating CC’s

Through the zynface or not?

Just the zynaptik

i got analogue outputs working!!!

when i run :-

i2cdetect 1

I noticed that i have i2c devices on 21, 48 and 60 as below :-

     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- 21 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 48 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: 60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

and after many hours of scratching about, i finally decided the way forward was to edit /zynthian/zyncoder/zynaptik.h

and change this :-

// MCP4728 Stuff

//Default config for Zynaptik's MCP4728
#if !defined(ZYNAPTIK_MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS)
        #define ZYNAPTIK_MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS 0x61

to this :-

// MCP4728 Stuff

//Default config for Zynaptik's MCP4728
#if !defined(ZYNAPTIK_MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS)
        #define ZYNAPTIK_MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS 0x60

once saved, I ran :-


in the same directory to recompile the code and install it, and following a reboot, I can completely convert D to A!!!

another small step for zynthkind!!!

Hi @MrBroccoli !

You are using the a zynaptik-2 or a customized zynaptik?


@jofemodo hey dude… i am using the one you soldered and sent me :smiley:

let me take photo… 1 sec

Here we go :-

Oooh… And while we are here… What are the midi port connections called please? They look like some kinda jst to me, but I’m not sure which and I would like to run them to 3.5mm sockets if I can :wink:

OK! You have a customized zynaptik-1. I will fix the configuration for allowing both versions to work.

Regarding the MIDI conenctors, they are JST-SH 4 pins. You will find lot of providers on Aliexpress :wink:


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Does that mean I can run a none custom one on 0x61 as well? Imagine all the ports! :joy::joy::joy: Thanks mate :wink:

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Do you want more IO ports? :sweat_smile: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


I just fixed the configuration issue and now it’s merged on testing.
Simply update on testing and try to reconfigure your wiring layout. You will see that “Zynaptik Config” have several “Custom” options and a “Zynaptik-2” option. The “custom” options will use the 0x60 and the “zynaptik-2” will use the 0x61.

BTW, i guess if the port ordering is reversed for your custom zynaptik. Could you check it for analog input/output and also digital?


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Digital ins and outs seem to work great… I haven’t got to diagnosing analog ins yet, but I will do this next… From my i2c map above should they just work or do I need to find them in the zynaptik.h too?

Any idea how to wire tip, ring and sleeve for a 3.5mm socket?

Take a look to this:


I suppose you want type A :wink:


Yeah but what do the red, yellow, black and white leads from the jst’s map to?

You Could add a DTDP Switch to switch between A and B if you have equipment with both types.