Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

It’s ok, we can orange another club meet next week.

Any body loooking to join a meeting this week?

If You Build It, They Will Come. I am in Southampton this week with limited availability but will attend if I can.

I’m busy today but should be available the rest of the week.

Tomorrow evening, Wednesday 2nd March at 7pm ZMT?


Oh too late :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

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With hosts spread all over the world we invited each other into our homes and were genial and caring wanting only friendship and good will for each other.

  • What would sign language on sat-nav be like?
  • Can we add extra audio interfaces, e.g. USB audio + hifiberry? - Options include syncing (expensive / professional) soundcards with wordclock / AES11 or using samplerate conversion like we do with the headphone option which has significant overhead. Pipewire does this but at what cost?
  • You will need Windows / MacOS at some point but some of us try to avoid it - how would you upgrade the firmware on your headphones? (That shouldn’t be a real thing!)
  • Rust is the new magic soup
  • Is there an advantage to prototyping with Pure Data then converting to lower-level implementation? There is automation for such things.
  • Hierarchical structure of data, e.g. zynthian snapshots gives some structure and may allow (better) management tools
  • Not everything is an LV2 - we considered that approach but feel that, at this point it is too restrictive and the naitive engine implementations makes Zynthian different from some purely LV2 hosts like mod-host (backend for mod-ui)
  • Zynthian stable can look very old very quickly whilst testing can be like the wild west with (too?) many developments occuring
  • We discussed input impedance matching, particularly for guitars and how there is a need for some form of buffer between electric guitar pickup coils and the Zynthian input
  • Violence of IKEA during a sale, especially in south London
  • What does a piano sound like when you replace its strings with guitar strings? (Answer: pretty awful)
  • There were some recommendations on chosing bluetooth headphones that have an optional wired connection, e.g. via 3.5mm jack

Considering the topics referenced after each meeting, this seems like such a wild ride, should try to join in sometime. One thing did strike a chord with me:

Probably off topic in this thread (so I guess I should start a new one…) but this is something that’s bugged me too. Stable is to old and testing is too wild. Should there be more activity on stable to bring in things faster there, or another branch which is more of a middle ground (i.e. bringing in things from testing that are fairly complete)?

Come for the Zynthian. Stay for the random but interesting, like-minded people :>

How very dare you compare my mind so closely with @wyleu’s. I think we have a truly unique artist up there in his tower. :smile:

Let’s discuss testing / stable elsewhere.

Club next week? I’m free any day. Would be good to get one in before I leave the country / continent / hemisphere.

Sounds good, I’m also free any day next week.

I’m free every night except Friday, when I will be seeing skunk anansie.

Monday 7:13…?

Perhaps 19:13:12:15 . . . if we’re being accurate. . .
We discussed the zynthian door bell recently, have we now invented the zynthian alarm clock?

I wonder how accurate we could be . . . ?

I think you are likely to get more response if you don’t obsfuscate.

Monday, 19:00 ZMT.

I do find this incredibly uplifting for no reason I can really identify. . .

@riban ?

Auslang interpreters have been doing overtime with pandemics and other miscellaneous disasters here in AU.

Ah! THAT Monday! Did anyone make notes?

We discussed it and decided that none of us were qualified to do it.
