Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

I’m up for another one.

By the way who is good at talking about blue pills. I think I’ve managed to connect my blue pills with a stlink-v2 chinese clone but it’s someohow difficult to tell quite what it’s up to and I’ve has openocd able to halt it via telnet, and , well and, really, . . .

I may be able to help you. DM me and we can work through it together.

I am still free every night this week.


No one was there and nothing was seen or said but on the wind…

  • VCV Library sell a VST host that appears to run on Linux
  • You can visualise your notes with Graphviz
  • Tim Berners-Lee thinks a Semantic Web may be a good idea
  • Polly Effects have many similarities with Zynthian - like Zynth in a foot pedal but with more graphical UI
  • Zynthian testing shouldn’t be called testing but it is getting close to stable

The Semantic Web is expressed rather well via turtle and by extension lv2

3 posts were split to a new topic: Cardinal (VCV) plugin

It’s all gone quiet over here! Tomorrow, Tuesday at 18:00 ZMT (which is 7PM BST (GMT+1)) ???

I’ve got very limited Internet access at the moment but if I can manage to commandeer a great galah to carry my missives at some unearthly hour I will join but will not take notes.

So that’s 4am Sydney time?

Pls accept my apologies.


I’m at a party

I am not. I am in the zynthclub, on my own. Very much not a party right now :joy::joy::joy:

Ah! Still there?

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Right, I have been locked in my shed all week with covid 19 and i need some cheering up.

I suggest we meet on Sunday at covid 19:00 ZMT, where we can maintain social distances, wear masks and collectively wash our hands. I will happily provide the required amounts of hand sanitizer but all other alcohol is BYO, as per Tory party rules.

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I’m up for that.

I’ve been stuck in my in-law’s garage all week setting up for a garage sale this weekend, dodging the myriad of dangerous animals lurking in the shadows. I will try to be awake at 5am Monday morning.

4am was a very silly time last time. 5am is almost okay :>

Err… 7pm in the UK is still 4am Sydney time, and Monday morning is Anzac Day. I’ll be doing the dawn service…Apologies.


19:00 ZMT is 20:00 BST and 05:00 Sydney time.

Sorry not going to be able to make it.