Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

I’d Like to join too!

@riban, since Monday 25th May is Memorial Day in the US, I’d like to suggest having the next meeting on Tuesday 26th May 2020 at 19:00 UTC if possible, or any other day after Memorial Day.

For those of us that work, Monday may be the only time we could attend…

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Let’s keep it to Monday this week (sorry @ronsum) and maybe move to the weekend next time.

19:00 UTC 25th May 2020.

IM me for connection details.


It can’t be Tuesday as I will be #booingforboris

We didn’t get very far last time talking about touchscreens so let’s talk about that today. We could also discuss online jamming. @MrBroccoli mentioned he likes Jamkazam.

Ninjam is a thing and has an lv2 plugin somewhere too.

I will if you will.

Only if you promise to come this time…

Today: Monday 1st June 2020 at 19:00 UTC. IM me if you don’t have details. (Sorry - I did say we would move to Sunday but I forgot until it was too late!)

Note: The only country in the world to not use UTC is Norway who run about a quarter of a second behind the rest of the world. Maybe my step sequencer would feel at home there…


I better get more gin

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@Baggypants can do reverb but can’t as yet do vocoding. @wyley can do delay but didn’t mean to, @MrBroccoli & @riban claim that everything is wonderful but we are not sure we are believing then and @ronsum seems to be just getting on and doing things . . …

Normal really. :slight_smile:

@Baggypants now has the vocoder working but no one can understand him… .This is genuine progress!!

and now Jive bunny.
@MrBroccoli has taken offence at being called a government advisor. !!
and @riban has demonstrated transposing patterns cos wyleu seems unable to get any of it working because he’s an idiot.

@riban showed us his bug list … LONG!!!


Man… Can the next ZynClub please be on the weekend? I wanna join!

Probably a better idea it’s just we are creatures of habit !!

Conspire with @riban:smiley:

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It will be!

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A small gathering of disparate minds met up last night / afternoon to discuss various topics including:

  • Favourite synths from yesteryear
  • How many strings does a stringed instrument need?
  • What was the instrumentation used on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SlvZF6k5bE
  • High-level to bare metal prgramming and how old were you when this was a thing…
  • A bit of playing with the step sequencer and squabbling over who owns a bug (you can have them all @wyleu :wink:)
  • How many screens can @MrBroccoli destroy before a Zynthian emerges from their ashes and will he call it the Phoenix-thian?
  • Will my wife ever trust the light dimmer I am building after she witnessed it burst into flames last week? (I see your broken screens and raise you a fire ball of underrated resistors!)
  • Does @wyleu really need a dedicated Zynthian just to make the coffee and another to do his cleaning?
  • We played a variation of the game, “Name that tune” with @Baggypants saying things through a vocoder whilst we made up what we though he said, like a rather poor ventriloquist.
  • There were no FM broadcasts received during the meeting although that might have been because @Baggypants was muted for 50% of the time.
  • How long does it take a TV man to get his sound working? 20 minutes this week!
  • How patient can an American be sitting quietly listening to a load of British blokes discuss colloquial historical topics? Apparently very!!!
  • That we should do this all again on Sunday.

Let’s do it all again - or rather, let’s do something quite different on Sunday 7th June at 19:00 UTC.

Did you know that Coordinated Universal Time (in English) and Temps Universel Coordonné (in French) has the abbreviation UTC as a compromise so that neither CUT nor TUC were used to offend those most cordial of neighbours! UTC does not actually stand for anything though the UT may be thought of as similar to Universal Time as used in the various UT systems, e.g. UT0.


You will be hearing from my lawyers, and my trebuchets . . .

whens Sunday…?

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Remember, ZynthClub today at 19:00 UTC. Direct message me if you need connection details.

There are various Universal Times, e.g. UT0 determines the time based on observation of stars, etc. UT1 is based on the earth’s rotation, UT1R & UT2 are smoothed (averaged) versions of UT1. UTC has constant interval but is not montonic or contiguous, i.e. it can step forward or backwards and does so by means of leap seconds. UTC can be as much as 0.9 seconds offset from UT1 so I will allow you to connect early or late by up to a second :wink:.

This from a department who’s first time check I heard on the digital services was about 9 minutes late . . .

Our little gathering was a quiet affair on Sunday. The usual suspects discussed:

  • Stereo sound within virtual worlds - we lost half the group for a while!
  • AI DX sound generation isn’t all it is cracked up to be
  • Running 2 soundcards with JACK - there may be some additional latency
  • Automatic sampling is now a thing, at least in the Broccoli household
  • DJX - is it of any use?
  • What time should you start drinking on a Sunday?
  • How to interface Zynthian with external pads and make it look pretty

Other things may have been said after I went to bed… With just English and American participants the cut-off time may have been pushed later.


Sunday or Monday?