I all, I succeded in upgrading my Z4 with Rasp 5 and passive heatsink (GeeekPi from amazon). Everything went flawless. Flashed sd card with stable Oram. I have to work a little bit on the case, it won’t close properly because the screen touches the heatsink. I manager to fasten only the 4 posterior screw of the case. For now temperature stay below 50C°. tomorrow I’ll try to overclock.
I would be interested in photos of the inside, if it’s not too much trouble of course.
Thank you very much, and congratulations on getting the RPi5 working in the Z4!
Kudos on you Z cross-grade challenge!
Thanks!! Now I can use Pianoteq at full potential and OsTirus!! One of my master keyboard happen to be VirusTi2 and I can confirm that they sounds identical . Thanks to all the exceptional programmers, engineers for putting together this wonderful piece of “nerd” hardware
Congratulations !!!
The fan is not too loud ?
Time for my traditional advert for the zynthian-pwm-fan service and it’s excellent handling of fan volume.
Yes I’ve noted that.
But I didn’t read correctly the first post : it’s a passive heatsink
I don’t see it as a performance itself more a framework on which we can frolic!
And the raspberry pi 5 have his own pwn fan port near the USB port apparently
The pi is becoming a bloated little thing…
Hi @Spacedentist ,
How did you mount the hifiberry on the heatsink? Or is it just lying there? And did you unsolder the RCA and headphone plugs?
The hi-fi berry is just Lying there, I have to use an extension of the pin( see photo)! And the Zynthian I bought (used) was already without them, I think was a OEM custom version that they used in some Z4
I am on the verge of also going down this route.
Just wondering: Can one leave out the hifi-berry, and directly connect the pi to the zynaptik-1 board?
Successful here too! I tortured the backside of the case with a Dremel, which I had never used before, but hey, who’s looking at the back? Just more possibilities for airflow!