ZynthianOS "Buster" SD Image: Next Release

I’m finding this build is not behaving well on restarts. I often just get a white screen or stuck on Zyth logo and either have to power off or putty in to reboot.

It’s stuck at the moment on the splash screen and the UI log is filling up.

Here is a couple of the errors

Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: Fatal server error:
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: (EE) Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: (EE)
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: at http://wiki.x.org
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: for help.
Mar 14 13:08:19 zynthian startx[1746]: (EE)
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian startx[1746]: xinit: giving up
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian startx[1746]: xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian startx[1746]: xinit: server error
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian startx[1746]: xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian systemd[1]: zynthian.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 14 13:08:22 zynthian systemd[1]: zynthian.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Mar 14 13:08:27 zynthian systemd[1]: zynthian.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Mar 14 13:08:27 zynthian systemd[1]: zynthian.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 18.

have you opened up webconf and made the configuration?

what configuration - is there something I have missed I need to do?

do you have a v3pro configuration? If you don’t have the latest zynthian that you can buy in the store, you need to configure if you take a fresh image.

I know what my hardware settings should be as everything works most of the time. Its just sometimes I’ll reboot it and it wont come back up.

The only thing different in the latest version is my screen is not supported and I have to use another.
PiScreen 3.5 (v1) instead of PiScreen 3.5 (v2)


After the log I posted, I just hard powered off, then on… it got stuck again but another power off > on brought i back.

I’ve also noticed that sometimes when it boots i’m in the mixer window, other times the layer list, other times in instrument control screen (last state has been loaded)

I’m not saying its not just my Zynth that’s playing up - maybe i’ll try a fresh install

and delete your last_snapshot and default.zss

Thanks. I’m reflashing the card.
I just tried to run the updater and most of the log was saying something could not be done due to a Read-only file system

AH, ok, that’s easy. Buy a new card…yours’ done…

Seems to be OK after the reflash, will keep an eye on it.

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As @mheidt says, you probably have a duff SD card. They fail in this way sometimes (more frequently when they are cheap) and will appear read only. Very frustrating but nothing can be done to fix such an issue. I recommend purchasing a new SD card so that you have it ready when yours fails completely. For now, you may have it partial working which will present erratic behaviour.


I tried the following build on my V2 Kit:

After first startup, I can see the Zynthian Logo, an error message and an IP address: I presume that I need to go to webconf to configure my hardware.

Problem: I can’t pass through the login page of webconf:


If I enter a wrong password I have a massage saying it is wrong.
If I enter the correct passord, the login page is refreshed but I never see the settings of my zynthian (I can just stay on the login page).

What is going wrong ?
What can I do ?

Zynthian was directly connected to the computer.

Finally, connecting the Zynthian to the internet box resolved the problem :
I could configure it through webconf.

Any explaination ?
Is zynthian searching for a web connection after first boot ?

Curious, AFAIK, an internet connection shouldn’t be needed on first boot. Anyway, i will try to reproduce your problem …



Try another browser/system&browser. Had the same issue.

Maybe you were using the url /login instead of /login?next=…
I fixed this error

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The service seems to be down: 502 Bad Gateway

I’m thinking that you might want to start incrementing the file name version number when you make a minor release, such as an RC. And perhaps even for each build that is downloadable?
Like this: 2020-03-11-zynthianos-buster-lite-1.0.1.zip

In general, a file made available with updated contents should never have the same exact name as another (previous version) file.

it doesn’t. There is only one build per day and the date is in the name.

I agree with @gmeader. It is confusing to have many version 1.0.1s. I believe this may be the cause of confusion for many of our new readers who ask what image to use. If we have a nightly build then we should maybe lose the version number if we are not incrementing it. I understand the conflict of heading towards a release version and not wanting to change that version number. This is often satisfied by have several release candidates, e.g. V1.0-rc1, V1.0-rc2, etc.

We have had this discussion before and I bowed out because version schemes are a matter for the project coordinator and so after voicing an opinion we must accept what is decided by the all-powerful Oz (@jofemodo) :wink: .