New stable-2211 is out!

Hi @Lanfranco !

I’m talking about the last stable version (“new”), but you are right, there is a “bug”:

  • when changing to “custom” layout, some select boxes hide

Let me solve the issue :wink:


… A mythical man

Many thanks



… a stupid question …
I self-built the Zynthian … can I connect a led that warns me when the shutdown is over?
… and always from the top of my ignorance … there is no way to turn off the display after it has been turned off … sorry for these questions for you trivial …

I have this problem too - white shining display after Zynthian/RaspberryPi is shut down. I am afraid I found out this is the issue of the display used (white screen as default when power is on but there is no signal from a controller) - I think I found some additional wiring in the original Zynthian screen schematics which turns the screen off completely on the lack of signal.

My display (Adafruit) does not go white but remains on the Zynthian screen and with the word Power off.

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I have another question … (what a nuisance).
There are sounds like Pianoteq, which for my taste don’t need additional effects… what if I wanted to insert an echo on a synth but which doesn’t affect the other instruments as well? It would be nice to have a control on the mixer to decide how much effect to give for each channel… maybe two controls… one for echo and one for reverb or for any effect you want to use… I throw the stone and hide the hand… :wink:

Hi @Lanfranco

You can add audio effects to each chain individually so if you want reverb on just one synth then add it to that chain. The main mixbus effects chain acts as an insert point on the main output. There is not capability to implement individual send level control for the main mixbus. It affects the main output after everything is mixed.

Thank you as always Riban, I am reading the manual and discovering every minute the gigantic work you have done … my English obviously does not help … where can I find the explanation of what you told me?
Thank you

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The signal flow diagram in the user guide probably best describes this. (A picture that is worth a thousand words.)


I was also able, with some tricks, to implement a kind of “post fadee aux send” with level for each send for instance

Chain 1 : synth 1
Chain 2 : synth 2
Chain 3 : audio chain with 2 gain effect in parallel and 1 reverb in series.

Setting chain1 output as main mix + gain1
Setting chain2 output as main mix + gain2

And tada : side chain reverb, gain1 acts as aux send for chain 1 …

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Yep! That used to be the only way to create mixes. The mixer added a core stereo summing mixer to the signal flow and removed the need for such shenanigans for normal mixing. There is a resource overhead for each mix bus hence I am not keen to add more mix buses. Each aux send requires its own mix bus with associated level processing for each send. Of course if there is an overwhelming surge of users requesting such a feature (in the issue tracker) then we may revisit / review the request.


Hi @riban .
First of all a huge tank you for all the work you have done and your always accurate comments / responses you’re giving here on the forum :kissing_heart:

Does the alvailable amount of RAM has an impact on this or is it just a "horse pouwer " concern ?

It’s CPU processing.

I took the liberty of publishing a video that refers to the Zynthian’s site… I am so satisfied with this … creature… that I MUST do something to make it known… I discovered it by looking for the project for the Dexed (which I made), but this… this is a masterpiece…


“ZYNTHIAN in 2022: The best DIY groovebox”


Excellent. Thank you.

Very nice!

Heeey, thanks for posting this - but you posted the preview version of this video. In the official one, I added one or two more things (for example the arranger).
In my older videos I had some inaccurancies / outdated information, so I tried to avoid that this time, but the rule of thumb in Linux is there’s always someone who knows better, so my apologies in advance for anything I said or didn’t say. :wink:
ZYNTHIAN is an enormous achievement. Definitely one of the best things to emerge from the RasPi/Linux community.


edited/reposted @mr_floydst . Let me know if its still the wrong one

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