Raspberry Pi GPI pins and encoders

Yes, I’ve done it several times…

I’m against running zynth’s directly off the GPIO pins, partly for the reasons you demonstrate here.
Since the interface added the S1-S4 buttons, to run a full GUI, requires some mechanism other than straight GPIO pins to access so for full user experience you are going to have to get the soldering iron out at some point.

But as you can see it can be done…

The top two devices have different audio cards in
An Audio Injector in the top case, an hifiberry 50W amp in the later. Both have encoder sets hard wired to pins and they might even bee the same wiring layout.!

You configure the i/o pins in the webconf interface s detailed in the forum.
The layout for the bootm device is detailed in thread

and the skipping round the audio is done right back here with a hifberry amp…

IT can be done but you need a pretty good idea of how it all goes together in the final mounting and that’s down to what you want to achieve…!
as a result of this thread I’m just firing up the aluminium audio injector machine to see how well the encoders behave with the many really good improvements we’ve made recently to the GUI interface which are in the midi-learn branch…

I’ll probably move this chunk of this thread into a new topic if you don’t mind…

Oh look! I have.

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