Strange sustain “hangs” with individual notes

I’ve recently been noticing occasional “hangs” on Pianoteq where, when using the sustain pedal, every once in a while a single note seems to sustain even after the sustain pedal is no longer pressed. (Eventually it fades out.) This is effectively similar to what you would expect from the sostenuto pedal, but my piano doesn’t have a sostenuto pedal. The phenomenon is difficult to provoke intentionally. I “unlearned” all pedals except the sustain pedal from the instrument chain just in case, to avoid any kind of distraction.

This is with the current Pianoteq 8 on a Zynthian 5.1 connected by 5-pin DIN MIDI to a Roland FP4F, with the sustain pedal hooked up to the FP4F in the usual way (with a 6.3mm jack). According to the Zynthian’s UI, the sustain pedal works as normal – you can see it being engaged and disengaged. On the off-chance, I’ll be trying USB MIDI next to see whether that changes anything, and I might also try to get at the native Pianoteq UI in order to find out what Pianoteq’s idea of the situation looks like (I presume I need to use VNC for that).

Has anyone had a similar experience and, if so, what did you do?

Note that we’ve got two intermittent issues with Sustain Pedals - admittedly different symptoms, and they could well be unrelated, but I wanted to point that out.

That occurred to me too, but I think the symptoms are sufficiently different in either case that it is better to not handle them in the same discussion.

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Please ensure there is a ticket raised in GitHub issue tracker for both and that the issues are not already captured or resolved in Vangelis.

I’ve found myself remapping sustain pedals on fairly agricultural zynths…

The issue doesn’t seem to occur with an USB, as opposed to a 5-pin DIN MIDI connection – I just had my first live gig with the Zynthian and it performed flawlessly. I’m starting to suspect that there might be something not 100% right with the MIDI cable I was using, and may try another one just to see whether that changes anything. But as it is perfectly possible to use USB-based MIDI the original point is now kinda moot.