Success Cases



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Nice knobs and i like how you re-purposed that case.
Looks like you have the same screen and audio as me - it should work as a Hi-Fi Berry DAC+

My build is a few posts up, though i’m just about to re-case everything.


Hi everyone, thank you very much, now I have my Zynthan. With soldering and inventing fasteners in the case was not. Everything is fine!
Of course, there were problems, because all the boards were bought on Aliexpress. Especially there was a very poor soldering of the connectors, I had to solder myself, I searched for the reason for a long time, but immediately thought about the connectors and it worked.
The main problem remains, I am new and do not yet know how to do web configuration.
Not when I did not have to do this, I will think and understand.

The webconf is a programme that runs on a zynthian as a web server. As its a webserer you can point a browser at the address of the zynthian and it will display the webconf display on the browser.

The actual address you point at depends in a lot of cases zynthian.local will work but other than that if you can get the gui working go to admin and select Network info. The ip address will be displayed. You will probably need an ethernet cable to get going if you havent turned on wifi,

After a couple of weeks testing Zynthian in its plastic lunchbox case, I have transplanted it to a shiny new box.

I’m not totally happy with the knobs so am looking for some replacements. If anyone has a suggestion of what may look good, i’d be happy to hear it.


Hello! While poking around in the settings myself Zynthian, I can not set the octave +, -, I did not find Releace.
I think these settings will appear after Webcjnfig/

The default controls are aimed at the Fluidsynth /Geneneral Midi so you don’t get release . . . The engine’s mappings decide’s which parameter are displayed.

Illuminated ones !

My preference is for knobs without lines but they are so difficult to source. I also like heavy (metal) knobs, preferably knurled. I bought some from eBay but the hole is too small to fit the encoder shaft. thonk have some which may be appropriate. I am yet to finalise my design but thonk look the most likely / best supplier for this kind of thing. (I may need to get out my drill to fix the knobs I bought!)

Yeah, I was trying to find those without lines too.
I’ll keep looking. Let me know if you find a good supplier.

Hey guys…I am clearly jumping the gun here and I know I shouldn’t, because we are discussing “success cases” not “just arrived in the post and loads of extra work left to do cases”, but I got parts in the post and I am excited :slight_smile: I will keep you updated with all my fails and my final compromise :crazy_face::+1:


Finally I started to understand the web configuration, changed the font and background colors. It turned out that


Thank you so much for a great synthesizer. I apologize, but I do not know how to make the sound lasting, there are short sounds.

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While we are on the subject of shiny new boxes…

Shortly after my last post to this thread, my little plastic case kind of fell apart. :frowning: So, time to build a new case!

It was several months in the making (my fault! :blush:), and the first version of the new case was scaled a little too big!

But now, after much calculating, troubleshooting, and banging-head-on-table, my Zynthian Case V2 is finally complete!

It was laser-cut from 3mm plywood, held together with M2.5x12mm screws. It was designed around the V2 Zyn hardware.

My new case also has the knob labels…

…and a nice, big “Zynthian” on the front! :smiley:

Yay! :partying_face: Now I get to take it to my homemade synth shelf…

…turn it on…

…and feed @wyleu some Zynthesized guitar! :laughing: :guitar:

ZynAddSubFX / Guitar / Dist Guitar 3
→ Tal-Dub-3
→ MaGigaverb

The snapshot: 008-GigaTar.zss (20.0 KB)

And do not forget to use pitchbend! :wink:

Enjoy! :ok_hand:


Aaah shucks . . . . ( chucks small furry animal and what looks like an un-sound clipped zynthian posters’s leg to several un-feasibly large dogs on chains, kept convenient for just such an occasion . . . )

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@MrBroccoli Eh eh !! Nice post with much humour and self dérision… I adore…

7 posts were split to a new topic: Sound Problems with generic DAC

Thank you so much for Zynthian!
I figured out all the settings. Everything works, the sounds are excellent. I like it very much, Thank you, you did a great job.