Success Cases


I did gain some skills between 2016 and 2023…


I love the encoder on the right, my experience so far is that it works much more intuitive than the encoder on all the edges.

Ah, two Zynths no less… Chapeau! :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t notice at first sight that your automated acrylic cut was transparent : it makes indeed for a very original-looking case layout. And those matte light blue encoders with white caps are damn cool. :+1:

Your last creation is beautiful, @Keeze101 ! I will improve the config system to allow you to easily choose the 4-knobs-on-right-side layout.



Hi @Keeze101 !

I just added a new config parameter that allow to choose the graphic layout.
Please, update your zynthian in testing branch and look for “Graphic Layout” in the UI options panel (advanced view).




By the way, it would be nice to save the fonts and color scheme to presets…


@jofemodo one problem, the machine will not turn off anymore from the screen nor the webconf. I can only get it turn off in the terminal screen (shutdown -h now)

Sorry, i can’t reproduce this issue in any of my 3 different units over my desk.
Is it the issue consistent? Can you reproduce it in your 2 units after updating?


I set all the repositories to testing, is that ok?

Both units updated, only the new one fails to shutdown…

Reverting back to stable solved the problem

Please save and provide a snapshot of the state just before shutdown. I wonder if this relates to an issue we have seen with Pianoteq?

I don’t use Pianoteq. I also notice that the screen does not dim.

Included the snapshot
007-New Snapshot.zss (27.2 KB)

Managed to solve the issue by burning a new SD-card with the latest testing image.

Hi @ jofemodo would it be possible to align widgets for controls at the bottom of the screen. I have build several zynthians and spent a lot of time working on a 3D case design in openscad that I will share when it is production ready. Due to portrait LCD layout we have more space above and bellow the screen than left and right for encoders . If we put encoders on the bottom of the case we would be able to print nice case on the cheapest small 3d printer because the whole case with 4.3 screen would not be wider than 135mm. I am not keen to go back to 3.5 screen - the change and usability of zynthina is drastically improved with 4.3 and 800x480 resolution. I have attached the screenshot of the current openscad design with encoders at the bottom. Top can be printed as one part without any support. It dos not have any visible screws for attaching the bottom or even screen itself.

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Also as you can see encoders are little bit differently arranged when they are at the bottom of the screen than when they are at the side. I think it is more logical to have:

  • back and select encoders at the each side that are currently left bottom and right bottom and
  • middle encoders that are currently top left and top right encoders

Welcome @stojos!

Could you fit a single column of encoders on the right within your 3D print footprint? Zynthian already supports that layout.

Hm, it would be hard. My goal is to create an entry point zynthian setup with all in one PCB that comes with sound card, midi in/out/through and connectors for all 4 encoders. So far we have all that always split into two PCBs that complicates case design and assembly and increase the cost and adoption of zynthian.

Here is a screenshot of working zynthian inside 3d printed 127mm wide case with a single all in one PCB based on very 2$ I2S PCM5102A sound card from ali express. adding 8mm will be tight.

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If there is an interest for this case and this minimalistic all in one PCB I can open my github where I store my zynthian hardware Kicad and openscad case designs . Also I can share my PCBWay order if anyone want to build the same all in one card . (10£ for 5 PCBs with global delivery to UK)

Currently waiting for another iteration of PCB printed with PCBWay for testing.

Here is the current PCB design and schematics (based on clumsyMIDI)


Hi @stojos !

Nice design, but …

… you should have asked before! The arrangement you propose is not so easy to achieve and it would take some time as it’s not a priority and we have to reach several milestones before having time to implement this. Also, i didn’t recommend you to implement on current testing branch because we are entering a refactoring phase and it will be difficult to merge your changes, so you have 2 options:

  • You change your design to an all-encoders-on-the-right-side approach, like V5
  • You wait several months until this could be implemented. Of course, if a decent amount of users build zynthians with this layout, this would increase priority, but currently you are alone, my friend.

Of course, you could modify current software for personal use, but as i told you, merging complex developments will be difficult in the next weeks/months.

All the best!

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Thanks for quick reply !!!

I will investigate option 1. Clearly the more it aligns to v5 the better.

I did not know that this configuration even exist - until by accident I discovered this post.

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You can make the adjustments from the webconf => Interface => UI Options (advance)


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If you want to implement the horizontal layout, you should start looking here:

It’s not a sweet pear and you would need to modify a few files more, but it’s not super-difficult.


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