Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

Looks to be 2am my time :cry:

If I happen to be sleepless, which isnā€™t unusual, Iā€™ll drop a line in this thread.

Would love to drop in and say hello!


We running then? Is it happening?

Possibly, Probablyā€¦

Well, standing by and ready for takeoff commander

One hour to goā€¦

You mean ONLY one hour to go :rofl:

As you might be already able to tell, I did NOT manage anything, but Iā€™ll cope with the consequences happily

An hour is a long time in developmentā€¦ maybe a couple more commits to zynseq branch.


Oh btw, Itā€™s my first one, so I donā€™t really know where to go or how to join :sweat_smile: :joy:

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All eager to show each other whatever love was left over from Valentines Day we gathered remotely via the wonder that is Sir Timothy John Berners-Leeā€™s legacy (as well as the underlying technology that allows it to work) and chatted inanely about stuff which rather unusually this week (due to young blood that obviously needs a stern talking to) included Zynthian!

  • Is there a right time to take out a mortgage?
  • Is there a right time to have kids?
  • What is this time we keep talking about and can I have some?
  • How far south (or north) do you need to travel before the climate suits?
  • How thin can you make your Zynthian?
  • A benefit of the Zynthian is that it does not feel like a computer (to which so many of us are bound every day for work)
  • There may be some development afoot for a MIDI controller to anything mapping unit - letā€™s watch progress over the next few weeks, monthsā€¦ did I mention time?
  • A buck converter is not a way to exchange American dollars
  • No news from Orange Persepex Towers
  • Do you have a handy variac transformer to adjust the tonal quality of your amplifiers or speed of you tone wheels? I am sure there is a plugin for that
  • When ZynSeq surpasses the functionality of Pyramid, great riches will rain down on us and inner peace will be felt
  • Muchos RPi Pico love was shared with a Chewbacca ammo belt of them being modelled
  • VSCode is not the devil incarnate and many people actually like it but beware running it on a PC using ssh extension to a RPi3 - it seems to kill the RPi3 over time requiring a reboot (memory leak anyone?)
  • Is Raspberry Pi Foundation selling its soul? - we donā€™t think so
  • There are many operating systems and many software tools - use the one that suits you and gets the job done rather than struggle with the wrong tool through some misguided sense of rightousness
  • Which DAW do you use? Cubase, Rosegarden, Alberton, Audacity & Ardour were all mentioned
  • Using the headphone output (onboard sound) of the Raspberry Pi as a secondary output will increase xruns - beware!
  • You can DJ live in VR (thatā€™s 3D moving pictures - whatever next?), e.g. Tribe XR
  • Electronics may not be the mysterious art that some believe - try it: let out the magic smoke, replace, repeat - simples (but expensive)!
  • Why thow anything away when there is room in your spare room, garage, loft, living room?
  • Can machine learning help to reduce resource requirements by learning and predicting patterns hence not needing to crunch numbers quite so much? (I guess there is a lot of number crunching going on in ML though!)
  • We were treated to a performance from @ronsum 's first ever audio electronic project, a venerable, vintage, veteran
  • How heavy is the Sun (SparcStation)?
  • Why do we spend so much time fighting processes and implementations in our working day?
  • Arduino IDE is a bit pants but does make interfacing with a wide range of microprocessors quite easy (a device was programmed from scratch live during the meeting and is in use now)
  • There should be a FAQ page on the forum to reduce the quantity of similar common questions
  • What is Supported Hardware? Only really the official kits sold from the store should be considered supported by Zynthian organisation whilst others may be considered community validated and supported, i.e. just because it appears in the list in webconf does not mean @jofemodo should drop what he is doing to help you get it working! There are other suckers around to assist as well they can
  • OpenDeck is a platform for creating MIDI devices with microcontrollers
  • @Baggypants got the drops LV2 plugin working (then not working, then workingā€¦) within Zynthian - live furtling
  • The AtariSTynthian was shown (little progress) and the Atari Transputer discussed
  • MiSTer is a project to emulate old processors, e.g. to recreate games machines and home computers - ah! the delights of the Sinclair (Timex) ZX81
  • FactorSynth identifies characteristics of sounds and when they occur in a recording to deduce when instruments may be being played
  • Some people really do have too much money to burn on pretty but ultimately useless junk
  • Some STM32 based development boards do not have a USB bootloader installed but one can be programmed using DFU fairly simply and this bootloader works well for me
  • Home lighting can be controlled with Espresiff processors including Sonos which are easily hacked to remove the jump to China
  • What can you make with a 12V 8" TV + fresnel lens? Someone might be trying something like thisā€¦

Remember that attendance at Zynth Club is entirely optional and generally discouraged if you have any concerns for your mental health. Counselling is not provided and any ill effects experienced are not the repsonibility of the commitee which does not include any cats.


Wish I could have been there!

100%! Itā€™s why I got mine, which lives in the lounge room, and the fact it IS a computer has benefits too, like easily transferring captures, recordings, etc.


Donā€™t suppose we can get a :face_with_monocle: :stuck_out_tongue:

Am interested! Is there a write-up / instructions anywhere?

Sounds like you had a ball! Hopefully I can plan better, and meet you all at the next one.

Also, no Reaper love?!

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Ah yes! Reaper was mentioned and discussed.

I am a big fan of Reaper! Itā€™s maybe not at the same technical level like others DAWs, but I like the consistence of the workflow and its flexibility. Also the price and update policy is ok for me.

I tried Sonar 10 years ago. A fantastic DAW but it is blowed up with things I do not needā€¦ so Reaper was my choice.

Regards, Holger

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only make and furtle about with the UI. Itā€™s currently impossible to add a sample without a mouse as far as I can tell.

19:00 UTC on Monday 15th March 2021?


Booked in.

Same here! Iā€™ll bring some cookies

Could someone demonstrate a basic lv2 module creationā€¦?

Blimey! Does that constitute an agenda?

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Well itā€™s not a dateā€¦!