Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

Just popped by to see if there is zynthclub, accidentally fell into the matrix.

Well Iā€™ve got to say the dog ate my homework so @riban in the teacher role should be entertaining in itself.

OK Guys! I will improve the documentation for zynaptik + zynface ASAP.
My fault!! Please, donā€™t hesitate to put some pression on my shoulders when iā€™m being too lazy or clueless :sweat_smile:

@MrBroccoli and I are mucking around with it in zynth club at the moment.

I have Digital IN working from the pedalboard we donā€™t see anything on Dout for pins allocated to CVout.
In such a situation. We believe itā€™s traditional for the button (pad) to generate a MIDI Note and the zynth respond with a MIDI out note on same channel & note.

We seem to have 12c connection on both machines so optimism is high.

Obviously this is outside the zynthian kits but seems a sensible implementation.

Brocolliā€™s cable of the week:
10metres of Ethernet.

Congratulations to all involved.

Thanks for all your help @wyleu ā€¦ I just got it working!


An unauthorized splinter group took the title of this thread literally and meet in a clandestine, unadvertised moot on Monday. There will be consequences. We donā€™t know what occurred due to lack of official notary but rumour has it that actual Zynthian matters were progressed. This is not the spirit of Zynth Club. Where were the incoherent ramblings about niche culture? Where were the absurd dalliances of incomprehensible babble. We can only hope that the perpetrators of this heinous act confess to their misdemeanor and report on their progress in the dark arts of CV/gate, MIDI and Zynaptic.

I did hear rumour of a mid-week meet but what would I know?

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Cor blimey fellows, Scatter itā€™s the beak . . .

I will OBVIOUSLY be taking the Harry Wharton role. :face_with_monocle:

Hereā€™s my homework sir . . !!!


I managed to get it off the dog . . .

ā€¦and Sir, it was @MrBroccoli Sir . . . .!

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Our combined understanding of this previous statement suggests we are not a splinter group, but rather that those that did not attend are splitters. Dear @wyleu , do not be ashamed of your efforts and endeavours. Just point at them other lot and announce their failures to the community!

I have every intention of being there then. Monday, eight or there abouts.

I wonā€™t be there. I am going to a festival. I am away for the following two weeks. We could run it on a different night this week to give people a chance to plan for it.

I am on holiday. I might be able to sit quietly on a beach and listen in but I canā€™t demo

And there it goes. Iā€™m committed elsewhere, apologies for anyone aiming for thisā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Got my Behringer XR18 Hooked up :slight_smile:


X-Air app running on Zynthian on VNC-Engineā€¦


Possible upgrade from Zynthian Doorbell to Hal9000 Doorbell :>

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Very nice!!

I might try to breath some life back into my Nord editors using this . . .

so monday then?

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I may not be able to make it as I am away for a couple of weeks but I might be able to attend. Monday is as good (or bad) day as any.

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I can do Monday.

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I can do Monday. :smiley: