Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

Let’s pencil in 19:00 UTC, Sunday 25th September 2022.


It was so exciting in the club house that my computer overheated and feinted, taking with it the copious notes I had taken of events… all two lines of them. So here we have a list of web pages that we shared (and which my browser remembered 'cos I certainly don’t!):

We also talked about:

  • Keeping old PC’s or looking for old ports to keep our favourite expansion cards alive. That goes back to a 486 in some cases!
  • New film documenting David Bowie: Moonage Daydream
  • @Baggypants gave a glowing account of Zynthian (testing branch) running SooperLooper behaving impeccably during his live performance last weekend (advertised here). Some useful feedback we given, mostly positive but we need more colours!!! (Or maybe different colours.) It was good to hear the performance went well and was appreciated by the audience and that Zynthian played a central role without a hitch. Also that the new SooperLooper implementation worked so well.
  • The idea of an ultra low cost instrument for education was touted. Providing something very low cost that was quite capable but significantly scaled down may make music making and the exploration of music technology more accessible. There are many talented young (and old) people who could benefit from access to such tech but can’t afford it. Maybe something based on a Pi Zero?

Staging branch!

I now have Internet !!! Steaming forward to the mid 1990’s

This is “OOooop North…” tm…

And can I find a racing pigeon for love nor money…?

I got samplebrain working, I think, and spent 20 minutes listening to something that sounded like a DAB radio station from 2006. I think that’s what it’s supposed to do.

Wow! Time travel - that is impressive!

Dio documentary :- Dio: Dreamers Never Die documentary review | Louder

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When …?
Where …?


Not the 11th October.

What have you got against Ada Lovelace Day?

That day I’ll always remember, yes I will…

I’ve got access to Internet again so when then? Thursday (tomorrow)? Friday? Weekend?

Friday for me.

I’m away this weekend.

Does the weekend include Friday evenings?
The last attempt to unify this issue left six dead…

Can’t believe that you don’t know what a weekend is.

It took me a fair while to work out which planet it twas…

And frankly wyleu towers is the preferred context in reality, and I haven’t got around to thinking how Heath Robinson the timekeeping mechanisms are up there…

But getting back to the main issue in hand which isn’t, as it perhap, should be @ronsum observations on the pure data scope in the glorious new world, awash in a new dawn light…?, But Weekends…

I’m presuming you re using the old imperial metric, when the factory hooter goes in a Friday dusk, till the first clout of the knocker ups hammer on your frosted windowpane…?

I’ll be there.

19:00 UTC Friday 13th October 2022. Contact me via DM if you need joining details.