I started learning the make template for Open Stage Control which sending OSC messageses.
I don’t know if I will be able to make a template for SooperLooper on Zynthian, but the first attempts are here in the form of basic CUIA commands.
Maybe this template will help those like me who have a encoderless Zynthian.
I have new version of template with Zynthian OSC CUIA. I was learning how to script for Open Stage Control, and I regretted not including the three missing commands. So here is the result.
I have prepared a template for the mixer as well, but currently the registration of the address from which the call came does not work in the test version.
I created a bug report about this
Before creating the masterpiece, i.e. the Superlooper template, I am now warming up on the template controlling the routing of controllers and synthesizers via BomeBox.
where -s is zynthian address, -l path to file with tempate for mixer mixer_zynthian.json, which automatically will be open in browserr, -c path to custom module mixer.js, which starting listening of zynthian, and most important is --osc-port 1370 setting osc server to listening of zynthian.
The strips are numbered based on the chain’s MIDI channel. (This caught me out because I didn’t have MIDI channels 1 or 2 populated so had to adjust the third strip to change the first displayed strip.
I have now run this on a machine that can get the feedback and see some distortion of meters. I don’t know if it is intentional but a blue line at the top (peak hold?) wiggles and top of the green bars have a similar effect.
I haven’t been able to display the current volume value using a bar(or level) in OSC yet. A graph is used that gradually plots values over time and moves. By narrowing it, I give the impression that it is a bar, but in reality it is not. If I come across a better display I will make improvements. Or someone more experienced in Open Stage Control could advise.
I managed to find a few examples of how to make a bar view that uses a fader widget. So here is a version that is already comparable to the original Zynthian mixer UI. Please change mixer_zynthian.json file to the new: mixer_zynthian.json (47.0 KB)
Theoreticaly yes, but I didn’t tried it. I have its on my do list. In the first you must install node and make some script for start of OSC, maybe best will be daemon service.